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ThotBeGone December 8, 2019 7:40 am

Did they change the format for part of the site? It keeps messing with my mind since I’m used to the old one when looking for manga...

    Alicia.S.M.S December 8, 2019 8:16 am

    IKR (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
    Tbh I don't like the new format, the old one was much easier and you can view more manga. Now you have to scroll 3x more than usual when using your phone ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Alicia.S.M.S December 8, 2019 8:24 am

    I ment no disrespect or extra hate to this . It's just weird and more finger work to keep swiping up to find what you want. Before there were like more can be viewed at once and less swipe on the screen( ̄へ ̄)I hope they change it back ╥﹏╥

    ThotBeGone December 8, 2019 9:39 am
    IKR (╯°Д °)╯╧╧Tbh I don't like the new format, the old one was much easier and you can view more manga. Now you have to scroll 3x more than usual when using your phone ┗( T﹏T )┛ Alicia.S.M.S

    Ikr~ but I guess some people like it so :”/

    D ace December 8, 2019 9:42 am
    IKR (╯°Д °)╯╧╧Tbh I don't like the new format, the old one was much easier and you can view more manga. Now you have to scroll 3x more than usual when using your phone ┗( T﹏T )┛ Alicia.S.M.S

    Put it in desktop version, stupid.

    ThotBeGone December 8, 2019 6:01 pm
    Put it in desktop version, stupid. D ace

    Well damn- I don’t really like putting my phone in desktop mode tho..

    D ace December 9, 2019 3:19 am
    Well damn- I don’t really like putting my phone in desktop mode tho.. ThotBeGone

    Wasn't talking to you. THOT BEGONE.

    ThotBeGone December 10, 2019 5:22 am
    Wasn't talking to you. THOT BEGONE. D ace


    Alicia.S.M.S December 12, 2019 7:31 am
    Put it in desktop version, stupid. D ace

    I don't like the desktop version, Stupid.

    D ace December 12, 2019 3:02 pm
    I don't like the desktop version, Stupid. Alicia.S.M.S

    Then, u can keep crying, stupid.

ThotBeGone October 18, 2019 7:46 am

Idk why but I’m suddenly remembering a yaoi where the uke had a sweet tooth and always ate sweets and I think the SEME got first
Rated because they kept putting off sex and when the SEME asked about it, they mentioned something about sugar lowering ur sex drive and so he took away the sugar from the uke and they hit it off? Idk but I really wanna find it again ㅠㅠ

ThotBeGone September 8, 2019 2:58 am

Any really good recommendations for yaluza/mafia/delinquent-like BLs? Currently really into Our Companionship ^_^ I need more tho (;ー;)

ThotBeGone July 16, 2019 8:44 am

It’s almost 4 am and I’m tryna look for smthn extra smutty or something really fluffy to cleanse my system (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I’ve read so many stories but I’m running out~~! ╥﹏╥ please leave some of your recommendations <(_ _)>

ThotBeGone June 8, 2019 11:46 pm

Ik this isn’t related to manga or anything, but I need recently, I broke things off with my friend last Saturday and on our last day of school, my friend was trying to persuade me to make things up and repair our friendship because she also once broke of a precious friendship but regretted it very deeply. I told her that I appreciate it but she doesn’t know the full story of why I dropped said friend. So, back to Thursday, I decided to just talk or joke around if the occasion ever came bc it was the last day and she’d be moving anyway.( A lil backstory we’re both girls and me, her + my other bff, were hanging out. We were telling stories Andre I ended up telling them I was bisexual(now I’m asexual/ curious) and things went wild from there. She confessed to me numerous times and I rejected her despite liking her a bit and I’m glad I did. I was just barely able to dodge that bullet.. she was kinda obsessed with me ._. Idk how bc I'm not even attractive or the most outgoing person.. we had a lot of fights over texts but the next minute at school, she’s be hugging me as if nothing happened. She always blames her rude outburst on her “mental condition” which I’m fine if we sort it out, but no, I don’t even think she goes to a therapist and she always uses that as her excuse. I get having a fear of losing someone, but she continuously forgets I have feelings too. But anyway, basically, she was kinda obsessed with me and our fights would always mention how I make her cry at school or in front of her family. The stress from her, school, and my family really messed with my head which is why I finally had the courage to drop her last Saturday.) anyway, back to the present/ Thursday, she was crying and all that on the last day and I just decided to hug her since I did cherish our old friendship. I had to walk somewhere in the same direction as her and we talked about how’d everything would be ok. I didn’t really think about our convo, I only said “yeah everything will be ok, yadayadayada..” yesterday, I got a text from her saying “Yesterday was a dream to me and I’m so thankful that you even talked to me but I don’t know why you did that, did you actually wanna talk to me or was it only because it was the last day? And do you actually wanna talk things out and see where we can go with this? I don’t think you were being honest, I thought you were being fake with you hugging me and us laughing at stupid shit, I felt like you felt obligated to come and talk to me, what I’m trying to ask is, was it real? Was it really all on purpose? Did you actually wanna be there next to me yesterday? I’m sorry if I sounded bitchy it’s just been confusing me”(literal copy n paste cuz I ain’t got time for that) I haven’t responded bc I D K how to respond. I still don’t forgive her for all the things she’s said to me but I still remember our good times. She was a really toxic person but idk what to do. Honestly, idk if should even y’all about this but I don’t have anywhere else to since all my friends follow my social media’s and could easily spill to her..

    vaisravana June 9, 2019 12:02 am

    stand your ground. tell her what happened yesterday was indeed real as you still cherish your old friendship, but that it doesn't affect your decision to break things off. tell her you have to do this for the sake of your mental well-being, no matter how much you like her.

    just... don't stay. the good times you had together won't make up for the anxiety and stress cutting things off will save you from. keep your distance and focus on yourself from now on. good luck!

    ThotBeGone June 9, 2019 12:15 am
    stand your ground. tell her what happened yesterday was indeed real as you still cherish your old friendship, but that it doesn't affect your decision to break things off. tell her you have to do this for the s... vaisravana

    Thank you T-T

ThotBeGone May 6, 2019 10:47 pm

So I’m back again with more problems :D my friend said she had something to say over ig but said nvm cuz she thought I’d get annoyed. I told her to just tell me and it goes like that back and forth for a while and she finally says “fine but promise not to hate me” and I say yeah ok. She goes on about how she started cutting herself last week. I ask her over and over “why” “who said we didn’t care” “there’s so many of us that care for you” etc etc. then she gets all mad and starts saying things like “why would you care” “I’ve had so many fake friends” “why would you be any different” this pissed me off. I go on to explain that people I know also used to cut themselves and it makes me worry over and over. (Continued, just need more spaceeee)

    ThotBeGone May 6, 2019 10:53 pm

    I go on to explain and she suddenly says “see, this is why I didn’t want to tell you” and such. I go on and apologize because I might’ve done something wrong because I’m often really insensitive and make things worse without knowing. Then she keeps on saying ‘stop it you always blame yourself’ and well, I can’t help it, I’m often blamed for things, what can I do for it? It’s a habit I can’t stop because of my past. She just can’t get that around her head that I have problems too. I make my problems into jokes for my own comfort. It’s uncomfortable to see them laugh but at least it made them feel better, right? I’ve lived in a household where it’s fucking negative, not as much as others, but enough to take a toll on my thinking. I told her that I’ll just take a breather and log off for a while since I couldn’t think straight. I just need honest opinions if I was being insensitive. I know it myself that I’m often insensitive to others and I just really need ways to fix it. If I can.

    GoldenScale May 6, 2019 11:52 pm
    I go on to explain and she suddenly says “see, this is why I didn’t want to tell you” and such. I go on and apologize because I might’ve done something wrong because I’m often really insensitive and m... ThotBeGone

    I don't think you were insensitive, but I think you didn't understand what she wanted you to tell her. I'm not too sure either what she wanted to hear, though.

    I think you should tell her that she surprised you and that you don't hate her for cutting herself. And if she needs to talk to someone you don't mind listening to her.

    (And if she asks you why you should care about her, just tell her that it's because you want to. You don't have to justify yourself.)

    I'm no expert but I think people who try to open up to someone don't really need that person's opinion and just want someone to hear them, so try not to give any opinion unless they ask you.

ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:34 am

Why must friendships be so difficult?
I just wanted to remain friends with my girl bsf and she’s just guilt tripping me and making me feel terrible. I can’t even vent anywhere on my social media...

    TD2 April 23, 2019 10:12 am

    Yo that sucks. Wish u best of luck on your friendship. But seriously if she's really a bitch then let just thot begone her (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:05 am

Y’all, I’m pissed.
Ok so, some backstory: one of my best friends found out I was bi not too long ago and she’s kinda had a little crush on me. She’s a really extroverted person who likes to be loud and really touchy, which isn’t really my type which is why I rejected her when she confesses to me. She’s confessed I think about 3 times now and “tries to make me jealous” when I don’t give her hugs by hugging my other friends and ignoring me. I’m used to being ignored in my whole life so I’m not too bothered. Now she tries guilt tripping me and saying that I keep giving her so many mixed signals... how the FUCK do I respond to that?!?

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:07 am

    I don’t recall ever leading her on.. I often cut off her advances and brush her off. But she keeps doing it over and over and she KNOWS I’m uncomfortable :/ my other BFF is trying to persuade me to date the girl who’s crushing on me but... I really don’t want to because
    1) not my type
    2) she’s wayyyy to touchy
    3) I don’t wanna date my best friends..
    4) I’m still touchy about my sexuality

    PotatoHead April 23, 2019 5:10 am

    Tell her that you're just being kind like it's not wrong being kind to others.
    (just use that excuse if you can, im sorry( ̄∇ ̄")

    Amethyst April 23, 2019 5:13 am

    If you've already rejected her then she is delusional that you have feelings for her. She needs to understand nd give up.

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:15 am

    She’s currently messaging me about how she’s being led on by me and I’m just really stressed. I don’t want to be so cold to my best friend but she thinks of them as chances to get with me and it’s making my stress just multiply

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:17 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! prince_shinks

    I can’t beat her up, I’m a weak ass bitch and I just can’t do that to a friend.. and I’d feel too guilty if I cut her off because we have the same friend group..

    PotatoHead April 23, 2019 5:19 am
    She’s currently messaging me about how she’s being led on by me and I’m just really stressed. I don’t want to be so cold to my best friend but she thinks of them as chances to get with me and it’s mak... ThotBeGone

    That's really hard :<
    I think it's the best if you cut ties with her

    Kuro Yuuki April 23, 2019 5:19 am
    I don’t recall ever leading her on.. I often cut off her advances and brush her off. But she keeps doing it over and over and she KNOWS I’m uncomfortable :/ my other BFF is trying to persuade me to date the... ThotBeGone

    i would not recommend that you listen to your friend and date her cause that will make things worse and you may lose a friend in the process so assuming you were gentle when you rejected her the first 3 times this time be harsher, NOT rougher but harsher by being blunt "I know you like me and think i am giving you mixed signals but i don't like you that way. you are just a friend. (then play the friends zone anthem by marshmelllow) hehe..maybe not the song XD

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:21 am

    Now she has the nerve to ask me why the whole situation is pissing me off. This type of stuff might work in shoujo manga or whatever, but this is real life and it’s pissing me the fuck off but she just brushes it right off.

    Cree April 23, 2019 5:22 am
    I don’t recall ever leading her on.. I often cut off her advances and brush her off. But she keeps doing it over and over and she KNOWS I’m uncomfortable :/ my other BFF is trying to persuade me to date the... ThotBeGone

    Your position is already clear - you don't want to date her. Now you just don't know how to deal with her and the pressure she's giving you plus the pressure from your other BFF. It's good that you're already grounded in your decision not to date her but maybe you're still a bit 'soft' in handling her on account of your friendship. If she continues to push you too far, it would be best if you have a talk with her and your other BFF and give them an ultimatum - that you only want to stay friends with her and you're uncomfortable with her advances and that you hope that they both respect your decision and stop pressuring you. If they don't agree and they continue to do so, I'm sorry to say that they're probably not very good as BFFs.

    rainbow salt April 23, 2019 5:26 am

    If she were your bestfriend ahe would understand and give you your space. She isn't considerate about feelings. That you think about her as a friend and nothing more

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:27 am
    Your position is already clear - you don't want to date her. Now you just don't know how to deal with her and the pressure she's giving you plus the pressure from your other BFF. It's good that you're already g... Cree

    I think of my bff as my own sister and I admit she is pretty forceful and controlling, but she was my first friend when I moved to my new school and I’ve already told her that I’m not looking for a relationship and I’m not interested in my friend but she keeps saying to just give it a chance. But one major reason I’m rejecting her is because she accepted a confession from a guy and dated for one day. Second day, he was able to muster up the courage to tell her that he was actually trans and she dumped him in the worst way. By that little hand trick with the “tap, twist, pull” and told us that she felt weird dating a guy that was a girl/ a girl in general.

    its.okaiiiiiii April 23, 2019 5:32 am

    Difficult situation your in now but I think you should follow your heart and don't forget to love yourself, don't let anyone put you down, if she is a true friend she'll understand and support you rather than add on to the issue, Good luck (⌒▽⌒)

    Cree April 23, 2019 5:32 am
    Your position is already clear - you don't want to date her. Now you just don't know how to deal with her and the pressure she's giving you plus the pressure from your other BFF. It's good that you're already g... Cree

    It's not about guilt-tripping or being led on or whatever, the point here to me is whether she actually cares to respect your decision as a BFF. It seems to me that she doesn't - I don't know how old she is, but she sounds pretty immature. For people like that, as Kuro Yuuki said, it's best to be direct and blunt. You don't have to cut her off if you don't want to since you have the same group of friends but maybe you need to keep a distance for her to properly think things through or just to stop her from pressuring you.

    If you have the same group of friends, perhaps you can find another mutual friend whom you can talk to about what's happening so that you would have someone who knows your side of the story if ever, they suddenly decide to diss you behind your back because you rejected her (just noting this possibility because these things can happen)

    Trxsh♡ April 23, 2019 5:37 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! prince_shinks

    We have the same fuckin mindset lmao it's easy to do both of those.

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:40 am

    Update: kinda resolved it but I was the one who ended up having to apologize and make her feel better.

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:46 am

    Ah never mind, she’s bringing up how I could never imagine the pain she’s in.

    Cupcake101 April 23, 2019 5:49 am

    Why don't you say, "I don't like you that kind of way, I just want to be friends instead going out." The only reason am telling you this is because if you follow your other bff advice, thing well go wrong because you don't think of her that way and you can be extra stressed out about it. If what I said didn't work out then you should talk to someone that could give you good advice like someone who is by your side and understanding. I know you don't want to stop talking to her but she should try what I said, if it doesn't work then try to talk to me again and tell me what happen and try to give you a other advice. If you are okay with it.

    Cree April 23, 2019 5:51 am
    Ah never mind, she’s bringing up how I could never imagine the pain she’s in. ThotBeGone

    Bless you for having the patience to deal with her. The fact that you are the one who has to apologize to her and make her feel better when she's the 'offender' How incredibly self-centred she must be. I think it seems pretty clear who has the upper hand in your friendship with her. I understand that you feel somewhat indebted to her for being your first friend etc. but I don't think she shares the same sentiments as you. :(

    jaejae April 23, 2019 5:54 am
    Ah never mind, she’s bringing up how I could never imagine the pain she’s in. ThotBeGone

    wow honestly, just cut her off. I wouldn't want such an annoying friend nor would I want them constantly trying to make me date them, like bye bitchhhh

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 5:56 am

    I’m just getting a lot of emotional stress rn but thanks for all of your advice and replies. I’ll do the best I can ╥﹏╥

    Cree April 23, 2019 6:03 am
    I’m just getting a lot of emotional stress rn but thanks for all of your advice and replies. I’ll do the best I can ╥﹏╥ ThotBeGone

    Hi, just wanted to let you know I sent mail to you.

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 6:13 am
    Hi, just wanted to let you know I sent mail to you. Cree

    Ah, you did?

    ThotBeGone April 23, 2019 6:17 am
    Hi, just wanted to let you know I sent mail to you. Cree

    I don’t think I got anything? Then again, idk how some of this stuff works lol

    Cree April 23, 2019 6:48 am
    I don’t think I got anything? Then again, idk how some of this stuff works lol ThotBeGone

    That's weird...true I don't know how the mail works either haha. I just wanted to let you know to be careful.

    If you have the same group of friends, perhaps you can find another mutual friend whom you can talk to about what's happening so that you would have someone who knows your side of the story if ever, they suddenly decide to diss you behind your back because you rejected her (just noting this possibility because these things can happen)

    You don't have to cut her off if you don't want to since you have the same group of friends but maybe you need to keep a distance for her to properly think things through or just to stop her from pressuring you as much.

    Kuro Yuuki April 23, 2019 8:08 am
    Ah never mind, she’s bringing up how I could never imagine the pain she’s in. ThotBeGone

    Stub your toe because that is as much pain she feels cause it will go away. she's just trying to guilt you(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:40 am

I don’t get aroused by porn or the likes but I like watching/reading it.. am I dEfEctiVEeEee QnQ

    ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:40 am

    I just watch it when I’m bored T-T

    Beana April 16, 2019 3:45 am

    i enjoy listening to it, my ears are very sensitive and I have a voice fetish ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    you ain't weird man just watch Dr Phil and you'll realize you're a very normal ass person

    silversky April 16, 2019 3:56 am

    nah im same, i only watch porn if im bored and have nothing to watch + the ones w really bad acting in them are entertaining

    Right in the kokoro April 16, 2019 4:20 am

    I domt get aroused either, but I enjoy reading

    Wise Loli April 16, 2019 4:49 am

    Same. I enjoy reading yaoi but not really turned on. It's just entertaining and the cute ones just fluff

ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:11 am

So lately, I’ve come out to my friends that I’m bisexual in a more straightforward way since I guess they didn’t know even though I shout with my gay friend that we are bi/les. I’m starting to regret it because now my friend is getting more touchy with me and often texts her other friends how she likes me and has the urge to kiss me and ╥﹏╥ such... I only found out because she was logged into my phone and my other friend went “ah, ‘j’ totally spilled the tea about what happened at the dance~” and I was curious since I didn’t think anything happened at our recent school dance ( ̄へ ̄)I mean.. I always had a feeling she had a slight something for me because she was always really touchy at the start, but ever since I came out, she’s been trying to see how far she can go.. I’m only pissed about this because she had dated a guy for one day and he had the courage to tell her that she’s actually a trans and then she dumped him saying it was weird to date a girl... I like her and all but.. as a friend.. my other friend also said she liked me and I had to reject her since I only saw her as a friend as well... am I overreacting?? I need answersss

    ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:13 am

    ‘J’, the first girl hasn’t actually confessed and she’s told our friend group that she’s not quite sure about her sexuality so idk what’s going to happen.. I think I really am overreacting now... I just need answers T-T

    Zero63 April 16, 2019 3:17 am

    I'm not sure about this one but you should tell them at a good time that you just see them as good friends and not in the roma antic way, and I don't think you over reacting if that all happened

    Ziera April 16, 2019 3:20 am

    What I'm hearing is, Your bi, ur friend likes you or is just playing (hey, idk) and you don't like it bc you don't see her that way. SOO, yea either reject her or regret telling her from the beginning and then reject her. Or just send the most mixed signals as possible and see how she reacts, either she'll confess or stop.

    ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:36 am
    What I'm hearing is, Your bi, ur friend likes you or is just playing (hey, idk) and you don't like it bc you don't see her that way. SOO, yea either reject her or regret telling her from the beginning and then ... Ziera

    I mean, she knows that I’m gonna reject her and that I’m not looking for anyone, I’ve also been passing her “ilys” and hugs but not to the point where it seems like I hate her.. I just have a hard time confronting people ╥﹏╥

    ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:37 am

    I just don’t wanna be to harsh since she’s kinda my best friend but I also don’t want any misunderstandings since well also probably go to the same school next year..

    GoldenScale April 16, 2019 3:44 am

    I'm on the team : put a distance between you two as much as you can and avoid hanging out alone with her.
    If she understands that signal, she'll back off.
    If she doesn't, you'll have to start being more vocal about you only being friends.

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