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ApplePanda created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Amane cooking for Rindo is so cute ಥ‿ಥ
I'm sure Rindo will appreciate it, whatever he ends up making ( ◜‿◝ )

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Post-shower Skylar is so cute ( ◜‿◝ )
But those shoes and Candy's condition are giving me foreboding vibes (;;;・_・)

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Can someone remind me who those two guys are at the end of the chapter (104) are? I feel like my face recognition ain't working (The sick guy with the mask and the guy he's talking to)

ApplePanda created a topic of PASSION

Hehe wonder if what Ila said y is foreshadowing Xinlu making a reappearance

ApplePanda created a topic of Profundis

Babe (-_-;)・・・
I can't help but cringe every time he says that

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

The emotional rollercoaster these last few chapters have been... Man. (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I know the there are many mixed emotions in this chapter with seeing Cirrus break down in class and Skylar's sad face later, but it really gave me whiplash when RIGHT after Chan-il says maybe they aren't close, it cuts RIGHT to them making out lol (makeout make up session?)

ApplePanda created a topic of PASSION

More Passion more Passion more Passion!!

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I do hope once Cirrus finds out what happened to Skylar in his past he'll be understanding (╥﹏╥) and actually try to help Skylar heal...

ApplePanda created a topic of Waterside Night

Feet?! (・o・) Taeju's just really down bad huh...

ApplePanda created a topic of Ang Ang

Aww the last chapter was cute. I almost choked when I saw Gyuwon with all the dollar store accessories for punishment lol

ApplePanda created a topic of My Suha

Uhgh forget Dohyeok. He can go sink into a black hole of loneliness for all the sh1tt he's done.

I want a story where just Siwoo gets to be happy.

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Oh man I died seeing Chan-il's hair like that. I nearly choked

But also, I know Cirrus be upset, but I wish he had just took a moment to listen to the conversation Skylar was having with Chan-il. (╥﹏╥) He was literally turning Chan-il down bc even though I'm sure he would have loved to go to that art exhibit with him he was being so considerate (likely thinking of Cirrus) and saying no!

Throwing things at your bf is not the answer Cirrus!!!

ApplePanda created a topic of The Color of the Night

I just have to say, I feel so bad for the stress Bedoya puts his secretary under. Poor dude doesn't get paid enough for this. (´°ω°`)

ApplePanda created a topic of Define The Relationship

Aghhg I love them so much!!! I want to see more of their domestic life!!! Can you imagine if they had a kid?!!! ಥ‿ಥ It would be cuteness overload?!!!

ApplePanda created a topic of Profundis

Honestly... This whole time I didn't really care about his bro. But after that last scene, maybe just a little...

ApplePanda created a topic of Bloody Lies

Dom just chomping on his arm to feed Eugene?!?
Wild dude (☉。☉)!

ApplePanda created a topic of Double Trap

Honestly I think the dude knocking has a death wish. Yura ain't gonna let anyone see Jinsung like that

ApplePanda created a topic of Waterside Night

Not Euihyun calling Taejoo's d1ck fat rather than big lololol The look he gave him too!!