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ApplePanda created a topic of Profundis

Couldn't the commander literally just blast them all away? Even if they all did attack... What happened to his OP powers?

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Pfft hahaha I feel bad for laughing but Cirrus really had no luck this chapter. The way they kept getting interrupted (^~^;)ゞ Poor guy can't catch a break...

ApplePanda created a topic of Under the Green Light

Aww a chapter like this isn't so bad every once and a while. They're so cute ( ◜‿◝ )♡

ApplePanda created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Gahh they're to dam cute!!!!
(。ノω\。) ( ◜‿◝ )♡

ApplePanda created a topic of Jinx

。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 Not his granny's wardrobe!

ApplePanda created a topic of PASSION

Oof this chapter was especially The tension~
That shot with the mirror was also especially cool

I'm surprised he didn't rip (• ▽ •;)

But also, not all the "a$$hole fathers" taking all the milk

ApplePanda created a topic of Profundis

I was gonna make fun of the members for being all chummy all of a sudden, but I have to hand it to Heesu, he made me laugh when he said "I thought I smelled an old fart around here" as he was reaching around blind.

Man... So much happened this chapter...

ApplePanda created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Lol not Amane in a baby swaddle when Rindo asked if he wanted to suck his nips in the dream

ApplePanda created a topic of Under the Green Light

Jin really said "s3x is my recovery"

ApplePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Oh man first half broke my heart. When Skylar said " it's not your fault " and Cirrus' face just dropped and his jaw clenched, I felt that. It is 110% not Cirrus' fault for the SA. Seeing Cirrus cry had me thinking he's probably never had anyone he can rely on as much after his mom passed. But I'm glad he's beginning to open up to Skylar, so much so that he feels he can be that vulnerable in front of him

That said it makes me even sadder about the second part of the chapter. It seems he doesn't trust Skylar enough to stay with him when there's competition like Chan il around. It makes sense. As he said he's scared of losing the lifeline he finally found, but I feel the consequences of his actions are gonna bite him in the butt eventually. I feel like he'll be accused of having too little trust. I just hope that when that time comes Skylar will be understanding enough and they'll be able to work things out, and Cirrus can start to heal and grow...

Thank you for coming to my TED talk lol
Getting ready for an emotional rollercoaster.

ApplePanda created a topic of Bloody Lies

NOW he cares where Eugene is

ApplePanda created a topic of Double Trap

RIP Jinsung. It's been nice knowing you

ApplePanda created a topic of Jinx

Yes finally! Potato!!! Honestly really hate the opposing team and hope their gym loses everything.
Ohh that slap felt so good.
Hoping Dan is okay though 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。

ApplePanda created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

The smut is great but... I know it's a lot to ask but I just want a side where Sooyoung and Minhyuk can just run away together into the sunset and be happy (ノT_T)ノ ^┻━┻

ApplePanda created a topic of The Color of the Night

Honestly surprised. In the whole 4+ yrs they've been together they did have "marathon" s3x. But also... Kiaran saying he never had to worry about being permanently maimed... What about the whole force surgery?!?

ApplePanda created a topic of Waterside Night

Aww Euiyoung is a perceptive little cookie (◡ ω ◡)

ApplePanda created a topic of PASSION

Ohh are we getting some development (゚ο゚人))
Ilay learning not to be a complete sociopath?