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SomethingIDK created a topic of Ghost Window

Moonsung with his hair grown is an enlightenment

“I want to marry him when he’s older” is high key pedophilic. People gushing about how a child looks fucking weirds me out man

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I love Fang Yuan from Reverend Insanity
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SomethingIDK answered question about your opinions
Mrm is my last resort for reading shit
SomethingIDK created a topic of Fight Club
SomethingIDK followed a list

anything that includes school life with bullying, and usually a satisfying scene where mc gets back at the bullies 

If not rated, either didn’t read yet or will rate later 
*rating based on my enjoyment and hype 

Feel free to leave more recs in the replies :)

18 days
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SomethingIDK created a topic of Unfinished Business

This shit is so fucking foul. The “ml” consistently brutally rapes the mc. At one point he breaks his arm? Leg? Idk. The drugging, the gaslighting, the torture, the rape, it’s all so disgusting but I read it for my own emotional distress. I recommend it if ur seeking that but if ur looking for romance then I would avoid this. “Possessive lover” my ass, he’s a piece of shit. I hope none of y’all romanticize this and neither should that be the authors intention.

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It’s because of the heteronormative standards we project even onto gay relationships i could talk about it this for days! The “uke” is a feminine/ small/ meek character as that’s the (badly) stereotypical female, while the “seme” is ultra masc/ big/ strong, sometimes violent, man. It’s also cuz it’s more comfortable for alot of ......
SomethingIDK created a topic of Foul's Start

Brothers without a tmmrw can step on me. Love most of their stories

SomethingIDK created a topic of Fight Club
SomethingIDK answered question about question
I get existential man like where’s my innocence gone? I was a little girl once. I have parents. like bruh just cry a lil and move on

Rlly thought he was gonna go comatose and this would all be resolved 10 years later …

SomethingIDK answered question about question
STAY AWAY FROM INTERMITTENT FASTING!! I can not emphasize this enough. It’s a one way ticket to an eating disorder w the way ur thinking. Unhealthy weight loss will not keep the weight away and it’s stressful thinking about how u will everyday. You don’t need to bulk up but putting on some muscle is always great. Don’t fall into that hell m......
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I like silly characters that can turn fierce and protective in a heartbeat and take their love for the other character seriously. Like the seme from Perfect Buddy.
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Wipe ur ass better next time and u won’t have to scratch that itch w a fork
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I’m disappointed your dad didn’t pull out faster