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akuma_river created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

I think it is a sweet story...on a re-read.

But when you are first reading it, it is crazy, filled with misunderstandings, decade long unrequited love, the feeling of being used, madness, anger/jealousy...

It makes you hate the ml and mc for everything that goes wrong.

But on the re-read? Oh, it's a very sweet love story. Although Louis is still so dense you think he has his own gravitational pull.

It also makes you completely sympathetic to Mettel who is so deeply in love with this dense man he forgives him of all the unintentional hurt and pain he pain he has caused him for 10 years...Although he was a bit of ass on the reunion...

However, considering things from his pov, it makes more sense why he was so aggressive and putting his hands all over Louis.

I wanted more of their life afterwards with the baby. Are there more siblings? Why was the baby a dragon and the father flowers?

akuma_river created a topic of Backlight

They both apologized!

Such a big step forward.

Now, let's talk about the past and Seo-in mention how you loved him since school and ask why he left you like that with no word and just disappeared from your life.

Also drop in how that was the last time you were genuinely happy.

Work from there.

It said benefactor...not master...

That's interesting.

akuma_river created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Jigu knows but our mc doesn't and that's why he is stepping back trying to figure out what is going on and if he is another stalker or just a lot of coincidences that has him misunderstanding things again.

And from the first chapter (and present as we are in flashback mode) we know that Ji9star keeps trying to entice him to meet irl and flirts constantly. So he has decided to pursue him. But as for friends or something more it is hard to say.

akuma_river created a topic of Into The Blue Water

I wonder if that book story is real or is the mangaka made it up. Because now I want to read that book.

akuma_river created a topic of Dagong Ikson

Instead of sharing a bottom, blondie should become vers and get best of both worlds.

Seriously I want to see the other one top him while the bottom abuses him.

The og couple are a bunch of sadists, although the bottom is also a masochist. But blondie is a pure-hearted masochist.

I wonder how/when og couple hooked up.

As far as I can tell things are out of order on purpose. Like a TV show with different timeliness switching between eps.

Let's you know which chapter goes to which story but it's not complete. Only 20 chapters are out.

This pwp poly with a bit of plot.

Basically an exploration of kinks.

FYI for Raws of the last chapters and extras you need to purchase it.

Amazon has the published books in Japanese.

Or you can purchase it here which has all her works. Google translate can get you to where you want to go.

akuma_river created a topic of Ijimete Ageru.


This was licensed by Coolmic and then removed.

Complete at 1 volume. Raw is listed here.

It is NOT licensed. It probably won't be. For some reason ALL of this mangakas works are incompletely translated and not licensed.


Complete at 5 volumes. 28 chapters? Raws are on here.

Renta licensed it and then it was removed.

It is NOT licensed. It probably won't be. For some reason ALL of this mangakas works are incompletely translated and not licensed.

Hubby going to have to crawl on glass.

Wife is upset, hurt (both emotionally and physically), and in real danger.

akuma_river created a topic of Backlight

...again they aren't talking and just acting out of hurt.

Hurt people hurt people and they are both hurting from each other and hurting each other because unrequited love is driving them crazy.

He KNEW saying that would hurt Seo-In and it did.

This going to be a long arc of them hurting each other and being being hurt both emotionally and physically.

And it's all over a miscommunication of what they want from each other (love), what they expect from each other (friendship, pain, sex), and what they need from each other (a long hard talk about the past and present and unconditional love).

This is going to hurt. Which sucks. Because if they just TALKED they could fix almost everything.

I am getting a bad feeling about this.

I hope Anna and the others can be saved...

akuma_river created a topic of Dragon-Devouring Mage

The way she put her hand on his back and practically proposed to him was hot.

I like how he is thinking about it with politically and emotionally.

Love Sir Allen, he's hot too.

akuma_river created a topic of A Pair of Otakus

I hope this story...well at least the relationship part stays drama-free and sweet love.

How soon is hubby going to realized he f'd up and now his wife is in danger and has another suitir.