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Looks like we might add a woman to harem of people hopelessly unloved with our married Princess. Lol

Big Brother is back!

...but how are they all going to survive?

Need to reread, everyone in this party except Rudd is a blank to me. I forgot who they are.

"Because you are more important."

Damn, my eyes are a little watery.

Pigsy, your elder brother loves you and wants to protects you.

The way Mephi says he will be nice to the Blue Lions. Lol

I wonder if I should wait until Refen arcis over then binge it?

It seems it's going to be long and cliffy.

That dude on the throne looks like a demon.


Boring Elder Brother it's not San Lu who is in danger, it's Pigsy!

Your (our) about to break!


Woof and agree. This big brother is a bit mean.

Damn, end of season.

Now we gotta wait...

akuma_river created a topic of Eleceed

Ooph. Now the truth of why Pluton is there is going to come out.

Lol. Bring It On, the martial arts version.