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Tanzi April 21, 2019 11:09 am

Hey have anyone of you read the novel "the promise sealed with our lips"?
can you tell me if the vol2 of this novel (in raws) is still ongoing or completed?

Tanzi April 14, 2019 2:31 pm

Hello ....
Im looking for a yaoi where uke is gay and also was in love with under classmate. they were in a school football team.though the underclassmate was hetero still didnt refuge him .......though seme never touched him directly .... well later seme fall in love with uke ....
please help with the title ....
thanks in advance ^^

Tanzi April 10, 2019 1:57 am

hey guys
im looking for a yaoi manga, where uke is older neighbor gay brother and seme is just a highschooler... bit seme loves uke and confessed to him... also told him to stop sleeping around with random people.... well uke is a masochist , so seme told him he can do even better.(pretend to be one).. so they slept together .... but even few months later still uke didnt accept his love ... so seme started to ignore him.... only then uke realized that he is in love with seme....
well can you help me with the title?
thanks in advance ^^

Tanzi January 28, 2019 1:28 pm

Hey guys i just remembered a yaoi one shot where mc works in construction site and ml is his roommate and a high school boy but though ml was in love with mc but he acted inferior to him. asked him not to touch him or he is smell of mud . but later he confessed . so guys can you help me with the title?

Tanzi January 6, 2019 10:31 am

There's a yaoi manga im looking for.... Where uke is gay and seme was bi, in the university gathering seme and uke both slept together.... (seme did it out of curiosity) then they continued this relationship (sex friend) ....even after entering in job they both would met up once or twice in a week in a random hotel had sex.. well uke fall for him and without confessing, he decided to end this relationship here since seme was bi ....(he felt insecure) so he told him to end it.... seme became angry and kinda rape him and left ....
after few weeks seme reached to uke's house and told him that he met uke's parents and asked them to give him their son ... well its a happy ending.... I just dont recall the manga's name...
help me plz ....

Tanzi November 30, 2018 3:31 pm

Yo guys how have u been?
Looking for some recommendations on happy ending BL novel.... (werewolf /omegaverse or rebirth )
ps- i already read GDC,LMW, True star ,kill the lights ,its not easy to be love rival's elder bother , my wife thought that i did not love him .... bla bla .....
I want something similar to these type of storyline
thanks in advance !

    Tanzi November 30, 2018 5:38 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! SoHee

    Thanku :*

Tanzi November 22, 2018 3:07 am

Yo guys!
Im looking for a one shot yaoi manga....
Where mc is the son of a yakuza president ... but he led a normal life .... when his father retired he gave mc to the ml with the condition that ml will inherited his yakuza gang ...(ml was in love with mc).
plz help me with the title....

btw any suggestion for yaoi one shot aside from this?

Tanzi November 21, 2018 5:39 am

Hey guys...
Im looking for a yaoi manga ....
Its about a young high school popular boy secretly meeting an older guy as a sex friend .... well mayb before having sex they always had ice cream from a regular ice cream shop and the flavour maybe vanilla and strawberry ? well later when the boy build up his emotion for that man.... the man disappear .... after 1/2 years or many months later they met again and express their feelings for each other ....
plz help me with the title ....
thanks in advance ...

Tanzi August 28, 2018 5:01 am

looking for recommendation on BL novels.....
pls suggest me some of your best BL novel that you have ever read
..... thanks in advance
1.of course with a happy ending
2. i'm already reading GDC, LMW, advanced bravery, waiting for you online......

Tanzi August 9, 2018 9:09 am

Hello ...
Im looking for a yaoi manga ..
where MC is a salary man and also he is very kind to everyone...that everybody likes him and sends him gifts .. and ML is an famous actor or model but MC doesn't know about his job or anything .... ML fell for MC and followed him around and made MC to fall in love with him.... well just when they started dating MC found out about his job (well his cousin told him) MC got afraid that their relationship will affect ML's carrier or ML will leave him someday. so he told his cousin to pretend to be his lover so that he could break up with ML.... well ML caught him cheating and broke up.... but latter they got together.

so the story is something similar to this ....
anyone ??? can help me to find this manga?
well thanks in advance !!!!!

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