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BLues Clues created a topic of Our Companionship

it really is a cute story...except for the those 3 chapters (30-33)
I can't unsee that at all. The guy almost raped him, and the only reason it didn't go that far was because sanghwa gaslighted himself into properly explaining his feelings instead of tryna bs his way through it to salvage the friendship.
i understand eegum getting angry, heartbroken, upset, etc. over the fact that the one friend he had was essentially using him to make his friend jealous (going by the stupid excuse sanghwa gave him) but threatening rape?????? That's so outta pocket it's unbelievable.
why am i saying this here? Because this couple had the potential to get exactly where they are without that horrendous patch in the road. a literal argument could have brought the same effect to their relationship. Idk anymore man