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Jojo created a topic of Leveling With The Gods

Find you a friend who will support you venting out your anger. Ares was squished. (≧∀≦)

Best uncle award - best bff award goes to Namgung Wan. He is so good to Yeon and her father. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

Ah..this pretty father is so <3

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

Soft boy

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

Yass dzaddy 2

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

A little cutie boy 1

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

Cutie dzaddy

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

Yep, crying dzaddy is so adorable

Jojo add 1 photos to Nice panels

Dzaddy is angry

Jojo created a topic of Myst, Might, Mayhem

Can't wait for him to do some badass shnits. lololol

Jojo created a topic of Call me the Devil

Yep, the incest is incesting. Lol. But tbf in this story, the demons do not have that concept and are in line with the requirement that in order to come of age, they need to do the deed with the same species ie. LuciferXLucifer. Even if Ina and Hyeonshin have kids it still didn't make him come of age. He was only able to get through it because of Yoohyeon's power when he was combined with Balkan (2nd lucifer).

I read on the spoilers that Yura will come of age when she was combined with Lilith. But Organ will come of age with Yura. Hehe. The point is Yura will be in adult form when she gets together with Organ. It's still weird and tbh it makes me uncomfortable but let's just think they are not humans and the concept of morality does not apply to them. lol. ( ̄▽ ̄")

Jojo created a topic of Call me the Devil

Yep, the incest is incesting. Lol. But tbf in this story, the demons do not have that concept and are in line with the requirement that in order to come of age, they need to do the deed with the same species ie. LuciferXLucifer. Even if Ina and Hyeonshin have kids it still didn't make him come of age. He was only able to get through it because of Yoohyeon's power when he was combined with Balkan (2nd lucifer).

I read on the spoilers that Yura will come of age when she was combined with Lilith. But Organ will come of age with Yura. Hehe. The point is Yura will be in adult form when she gets together with Organ. It's still weird and tbh it makes me uncomfortable but let's just think they are not humans and the concept of morality does not apply to them. lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

So who really is the ML?

Best sidekick. (≧∀≦)

Jojo created a topic of Please Give Me the Pacifier

They are all flawed characters and the storytelling on this one although it's a child plot concept does not make it wholesome. They kill and they never sugar coat it. And that's what makes me accept her new family who neglects her at the beginning. She doesn't have a specific grudge to them it's just that she has her own personal trauma with relationships that's preventing her from opening up. So even if they are all good to her from the start, she will still have trust issues with them and this is regardless of whoever family she is reborn with (be it the duke family or the imperial family or even a commoner family) tbh. ( ̄∇ ̄")

But ofc if I will see it in a way that the real Shelina died because of neglect then it is really sad.

I like that this is not a transmigation story. lolololol. This is so funny af. And Elena is so cute. She's gotta be one of my top FLs. She's very witty and adorable.

Jojo created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Hestia will be like this (frustrating af) until they finally get to confess. Reason being is that she still cannot accept that this is her reality now and she's not just some random extra in a book. She feels like she is not worthy of Kael and just solely focus on revenge. She doesn't really plan on crossing the line. Like nope, she just truly sees Kael as an idol who is out of her league. So goodluck to us. Lol

But once they get together, it will be better. Let's be patient guys! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Jojo created a topic of Call me the Devil

Siwon, Organ, Bale sandwich. I live. (⌒▽⌒)

Jojo created a topic of What It Means to be You

What I really like about this is that all of the conflicts were not resolved easily. It was not HEA just like that between the 2 of them. Even after they confess to each other, I like that it was shown how Winter still feels anxious of Violet leaving him. And him doing his best to make up for everything that happened in the past. It was repeatedly shown how devastated he was and how he felt so much regret for what he's done.

This is a very frustrating story which is heavy on miscommunication and the angst just seriously goes on for looong. But how the ML redeemed himself is satisfying for me. The redemption arc was not shown in just 2-3 chapters and then they are ok, they moved on, the FL loves the ML with all her heart. Nope, it was literally shown until the end.

Overall, this is a nice story. It shows how complex people emotions and mentality can be. And little Theo is so cute! (●'◡'●)ノ

I can’t with the child drawings. They should probably practice more. The adults look so fine but the kids? (≧∀≦)