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Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BG only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         Get ready for some psychologically draining and
         emotionally terrible mangas!

3 days
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14 04,2024
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୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

List here mainly consists of mangas whose central theme revolve around
 Dom/Sub universe - 
bdsm plots
submissive mcs
sub space - a trance state that subs enter when they are completely under dom's control - 



14 04,2024
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29 03,2024
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17 02,2024
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LetsBeReal created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Not worth the mental torture. Maybe in the future it gets better but for now, not worth the headache.

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I love reading stories about actors, singers and showbiz! So I thought I’d make a collection of some of those stories. 

Note: I’ll leave reviews as I re-read. If there’s any romantic interest I’ll make sure to state what kind of partner it is (I.e. actor x actress) I’ll also be including some BL on here, I’ll be marking those as either Yaoi or Shounen-Ai ^^

03 02,2024
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15 01,2024

This would have been perfect if not for the blackmail!! I feel like there wasn’t a real need, since Sensei cared about the Seme and wouldn’t have thrown him out. So cute though!!

LetsBeReal created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Loved this story up until the horrible rape and assault. Literally fell in love with the development and growth I was seeing. None of it matters. Seme is an abusive piece of crap, and Uke is a victim. Every sex scene is gross and makes me feel horrible for the Uke. Zero romance, just possession and obsession.

Disappointment is an understatement.

LetsBeReal created a topic of Double Trap

Stated off so amazing and interesting. Then the plot started to drag on so much during the middle I could skip full chapters.

The second couple was also so annoying and distracting. They got better at the end, but the Seme was so irritating.

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27 11,2023