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NekoAi March 13, 2018 4:28 pm

Hey,has anybody know what manga that has a same genre as Royal servant but hetero??? Or something like Stockholm syndrome??

    キスケ March 13, 2018 4:41 pm

    Maybe Killing Stalking
    It's pretty intense and has that stockholm syndrome feeling.

    I haven't read it all the way, but the seme has kidnapped the uke.

    This one isn't very similar but
    In fact, it's not even yaoi but the story is intense and the mc seems to be a murderer.
    The seme rapes uke over and over but the uke still loves him don't worry it has good ending <3

    Also this one, though it isn't on mangago but it is a manwha like Royal Servant.
    I don't know why, but I was reminded of this when I read Royal Servant, though in all honesty it isn't similar at all, but it does have that heavy drama, at least at the end.

    NekoAi March 14, 2018 2:25 pm
    Maybe Killing Stalking's pretty intense and has that stockholm syndrome feeling.Also haven't rea... キスケ

    Omaigodd!!that's a lot of manga and very interesting...really!!! But I want a hetero version male and female...sorry if I confuse you

    キスケ March 14, 2018 3:51 pm
    Omaigodd!!that's a lot of manga and very interesting...really!!! But I want a hetero version male and female...sorry if I confuse you NekoAi

    Oh oops, sorry I didn't see that hetero word. All I can say is, something like that is probably rare. Actually, Full Moon wo Sagashite is a fantasy with heavy drama at the end, but it is an anime. Trust me, you gonna need tissues for that. Also the Winter Woods one is hetero.

    NekoAi March 15, 2018 7:57 am
    Oh oops, sorry I didn't see that hetero word. All I can say is, something like that is probably rare. Actually, Full Moon wo Sagashite is a fantasy with heavy drama at the end, but it is an anime. Trust me, you... キスケ

    Ohh okay I will try to watch it...thank you

NekoAi November 18, 2017 5:47 am

Hey guys.. I want to ask a question that not related to manga at all.. I don't know where I can ask this. I was being raped by my foster father when I was 5-6 Yrs old. No one knew what happened to me,even my own family because I was still small and didn't knew it was sex until I know what is sex. He also said to me to keep it as secret of father and child. For 22 years, after that moments, I never had any love relationship with anyone. But one day, there is a guy,5 years older want to marry me. He already met my parents, in my country it is a tradition to meet the girl's parents to marry the girl. My parents seem to like that guy but my parents said it is up to me whether want to accept him or not. I want to accept him, because he is a family person, have a stability in terms of economic,gentle and polite. But, I'm not a virgin anymore and Im so afraid to tell him. So my question is, should I tell him about my condition or just keep it secret. In my country,having no virgin before marriage is an issue.. Please help me (︶︿︶)

    devltears November 18, 2017 5:57 am

    dear if you want to marry him you should tell him, and it's not even your fault so you shouldn't be afraid and u did wrong by not telling anyone about what happened to you
    also before telling him, try talking to your mother about it she may help you, god be with you, sweetie. (=・ω・=)

    Anon November 18, 2017 6:07 am

    I think you should tell him to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts in the future. If he won't accept you for the misfortune that happened to you, he ain't the one.

    JREED November 18, 2017 6:09 am

    Wow I'm very sorry you had to go through that I went through something similar when I was younger too. I'm American so not being a virgin especially due to rape is in no way frowned upon. In my opinion it really comes down to how well you know this man and whether or not you believe he cares about you enough to accept what happened to you and if not maybe he's not the right guy, then again I don't know what country your from or how this affects marriage. Sorry I can't be much help, I'm American and rape is definitely not a deal breaker in a marriage here unless the guy is an ass. I hope whatever you decide it works out for you. It comes down to whether or not you really want to tell this guy, its your choice whether he knows or not.

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 6:12 am
    dear if you want to marry him you should tell him, and it's not even your fault so you shouldn't be afraid and u did wrong by not telling anyone about what happened to you also before telling him, try talking t... devltears

    The reason why I'm not telling anybody because I didn't know what that pervert guy did to me was sex because I was still happened a lot of times.. I once asked him why he do this to me and he said "this is normal, I love you. This is a part to become a real family." I nodded and thought maybe he also did it with his other foster child.. That's why I never told anyone. I was dumb? Yes! But when I knew what happened, it is to late... Do you think people want to believe me after years it happens? BTW,that pervert guy is my parents best friend. What proof I have?? ...all of these if I tell my mum now, I don't know what will happen to our family and I don't want to think about it..

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 6:15 am
    I think you should tell him to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts in the future. If he won't accept you for the misfortune that happened to you, he ain't the one. @Anon

    What if he tell my parents about it?? What if my parents hate me and our family will be broken apart?? That is the main reason I hide that secret for so long..

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 6:16 am
    I think you should tell him to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts in the future. If he won't accept you for the misfortune that happened to you, he ain't the one. @Anon

    I will tell him...but Im so afraid that he will tell my parents about my condition..

    yaoui November 18, 2017 6:28 am

    I think you should tell your significant other about what happened to you, and if he still loves you no matter what, go talk to your parents about it. get some justice from shitty uncle and have some closure :'/

    Tabbi November 18, 2017 6:30 am

    Sweetie, I think you should tell him AND your parents... Well, at least your mom. I was molested as a child by my step parent (let me specify. I wasn't raped. I'm very sorry you have had to go through this). At first, I didn't want to tell my mom. I blamed myself and didn't want to cause problems with the family. However, at one point I could take it anymore and told her. At first, she didn't believe me. It caused a lot more problems than I thought. However, after time, she finally understood and deeply regretted letting it happen. It was hard, but worth it. It's honestly too big of a secret to hold in alone. You regret letting it happen and think that somehow it's your fault. Until it's all out in the open, it will continue to haunt you. So, talk about it. It may suck at first. It will be hard. But in the long run, it's definitely worth it. But that's just my opinion from my experience.

    Anonymous November 18, 2017 6:36 am

    I personally think you should tell your parents first. It doesn't matter if this perverted guy is a close friend of your father. If you're family loves you, then they will totally chose you over any other person. Please, don't keep this as a secret. That guy deserves to be exposed. Once your family knows about this, it may be easier to tell the boy who you want to marry. Good luck, I hope everything turns out well.

    Tsukki November 18, 2017 6:40 am

    I am so sorry for what had happen to you.. pardon me first i don't speak english so i don't think that my english is good when i'm writing. Does your foster dad live with you now? This is hard for you,. and i'm not in the position to advise anyone but,. have you told your mother about this? I don't know about your mother but knowing this is crucial for her. I hope i can be there for you.. Also, the guy that wanted to marry you,. Have he been long knowing you? For me, even if this is hard, i think it is better if you can tell that guy the truth.. The way he respond is up to him. But i truly hope he can accept you for who you are. Love is unconditional. he may be shock at first but if he truly love you, he can accept everything about you even your darkest past. If he dont im gonna beat the shit out of him. Wait I forgot you said he is a good guy, well i'm just gonna beat him softer then. But to be safe, i do want you to consult with a counselor and take their advice instead of mine. This is a link that i thought might help you . At the section -get help- you can ask for advice for this. They are professional people who is experienced in this. I hope this can help you,. I pray for your happiness

    devltears November 18, 2017 6:43 am
    The reason why I'm not telling anybody because I didn't know what that pervert guy did to me was sex because I was still happened a lot of times.. I once asked him why he do this to me and he said "thi... NekoAi

    wtf I wanna go and kill him
    this is so messed up
    I think the best solution is to tell the guy about the whole issue and your condition
    even if he told your family about it
    first, he may tell your family to help you face them because your parents need to know that that fu*king guy who they think of him as a close friend did that to you
    also if he didn't help you but made the thinks worst
    you here have to positivities
    First: you knew he isn't a good person for u, NO you knew that he don't deserve you
    Second: your parents knew and they may believe you after knowing in that way
    because they should know in the end

    and tell your parents what THAT jerk told you with u talked to him about the reason he did it

    even if things got bad
    your strong and you can deal with this situation, and you will prove to your parents that he did it
    you should find a way because your the RIGHT one
    fight GIRL

    WAIT OMG and you say it happened a lot of times
    wtf i want to kill him
    your parents really should know
    you shouldn't stay in this situation

    girl fight don't lose hope without even trying
    ( ̄へ ̄)

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 6:53 am
    I am so sorry for what had happen to you.. pardon me first i don't speak english so i don't think that my english is good when i'm writing. Does your foster dad live with you now? This is hard for you,. and i'm... Tsukki

    Thank you for your advice..i really appreciate my foster dad doesn't live with me..he has his own family.but still he live near our home... I haven't seen them in a while because I always avoid going to an occasion that I'm sure he is there.. But on next week is my sister's engagement ceremony and guess who is the host?? Yes, he is the host of the ceremony so that is impossible for me to not meet him... I definite going to tell my significant other about myself, no I didn't know him from along time. We just met at one occasion about two months ago when my father introduced him to me...

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 6:57 am
    wtf I wanna go and kill him this is so messed up I think the best solution is to tell the guy about the whole issue and your condition even if he told your family about itfirst, he may tell your family to help ... devltears happened a lot of times.. But it was 22 years ago,so yeah...thank you for your advice.. I will tell him and ready to facing the results no matter good or bad

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 6:58 am
    I personally think you should tell your parents first. It doesn't matter if this perverted guy is a close friend of your father. If you're family loves you, then they will totally chose you over any other perso... @Anonymous

    Thank you so much for the advice.. I will tell him. I will prepare myself to accept any results after I tell him.. I will stay strong

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 7:06 am

    Guys.. I have text him that I want to meet him tomorrow...he was joking saying that I want to date with him...gosh, he just pure although he already 33. I only known him through my father two months ago but I feel like I've known him forever, I love this guy and I want build a family with him... Pray for me that everything will be alright, and if it's not just pray that I can face it strongly..

    devltears November 18, 2017 7:13 am happened a lot of times.. But it was 22 years ago,so yeah...thank you for your advice.. I will tell him and ready to facing the results no matter good or bad NekoAi

    yes YOU GO, GIRL
    I Know that I didn't go through similar thing and I don't understand the feelings you have now
    but I believe in you-you can do it and I'm sure
    and it's sure better than holding it
    It will be sure hard at the beginning but after that things will get better
    fighting (≧∀≦)

    devltears November 18, 2017 7:16 am
    Guys.. I have text him that I want to meet him tomorrow...he was joking saying that I want to date with him...gosh, he just pure although he already 33. I only known him through my father two months ago but I f... NekoAi

    that cute
    good luck cupcake ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Happyotakusan November 18, 2017 7:25 am

    Tell him! If he really loves you he will accept you. If not, all of us will go beat him up no matter where you are. Also, tell your parents! I think instead of being mad at you or hating you or anything like that, I think they would regret even letting you near that perverted son of a bitch. Instead of turning their head away I think they would turn their head toward you, hug you, and then cry for you. I think the only thing they would be mad about is the fact that you didn't tell them for 22 years. If your country thinks not being a virgin is bad, I think that's more of a reason that your family would protect you because some perverted ass took their precious daughter's precious viginity. I hope this helps and good luck!

    XxharutoxX November 18, 2017 7:39 am

    Good luck! I also am in a country that being not a Virginia is frowned on so I can understand that but I didn't have anything that happened to me like you so I can't say that I understand but be strong and positive and never give up! I hope he can help you and stay by your side.. good luck and if he didn't tell your parents either way tell your parents I really believe that they will help you and believe you unless they Andre shifty parents so don't give up!

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 9:21 am
    Tell him! If he really loves you he will accept you. If not, all of us will go beat him up no matter where you are. Also, tell your parents! I think instead of being mad at you or hating you or anything like th... Happyotakusan

    Thank you.. When everything is clear, I will tell my parents about it..

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 9:24 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! chasingthed

    I feel comfortable to tell him. Yes, at first I want to think like that but I think I can't lie to him.. I will tell him. Thank you for your advice.

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 9:25 am
    Good luck! I also am in a country that being not a Virginia is frowned on so I can understand that but I didn't have anything that happened to me like you so I can't say that I understand but be strong and posi... XxharutoxX

    Thank you for your advice..when everything is clear I will tell my parents..

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 9:25 am
    that cute good luck cupcake ლ(´ڡ`ლ) devltears

    Thank you..hahaha he is cute

    Fly high November 18, 2017 1:51 pm

    Good luck.... Be strong.... Do tell us about your meeting after you met your fiance and Wat will be his opinion also...and plzzzz tell your parents about that shitty pervert and smash his face... Ugggghhh.. I really wanna kill him...

    NekoAi November 18, 2017 2:34 pm
    Good luck.... Be strong.... Do tell us about your meeting after you met your fiance and Wat will be his opinion also...and plzzzz tell your parents about that shitty pervert and smash his face... Ugggghhh.. I r... Fly high

    Okay.. I will update it... You know,he really excited about tomorrow, he texted me that he feel so because this is the first time I have asked him to go out with me... I hope he still can accept me..thank you

    NekoAi November 20, 2017 6:12 am

    Hey guys. I just want to update on what happened yesterday when I met him. We met at one of his favorite restaurant. I arrived earlier than him. I sat and think on how I want to tell him. When he arrives,we had a little chat before I popped up a question about my condition. I honestly being blunt by saying that I am a pedophile victim. I told everything to him. He was so shocked and didn't even speak a word. We kept quiet for almost 5 minutes. Then he said to me "let me send you home "( I went there by uber). I just nodded and went into his car. During our way to my house,he kept silent without any word. His expression also very serious, I never seen him like that before. When I tried to speak he said "don't say anything." without even glance at me. I thought, this is it. He is not for me. Before leaving and went into my house, I asked him please don't tell my parents yet, I will tell them by myself when I reject his marriage proposal to my parents. He just sighed and went home. I cried so much that my eyes started to swollen. I felt so devastated. I didn't go anywhere yesterday. Later,when the night came,he called me. I was shocked but I still on my bed. He asked me if I cried because my voice very coarse. He said he was sorry for doing that to me. After he reached home, he did a prayer (both of us are Muslim). He really have a deep thought on what happened. He thought I was lying to him, he thought that I lie to him because I hate him and don't want to marry him. That's why he is so upset.later he said that he really trust me. He asked me " can you accept me if your condition is different? Do you hate me? " so many times. I couldn't hold my tears. I said I like him and willing to marry him,but I'm afraid if I keep it secret it will be a big trouble if we fight in the future. He sighed and said he willing to accept me and love me unconditionally, he want to marry me because of love not sex. He calmly said that it is not my fault. He comforted me and asked me to stop crying. So basically, he accept me and I told my parent early this morning that I accept his marriage proposal. I still don't tell my parents about it. I think it is not very important now, as long as he can accept me, I don't have to worry about that prevet guy. Thank you for all of youR advises. Now, I don't have to be scare and I can be totally honest with him. The words thank you never enough to show you my gratitude to all of you.. Thank you,thank you,thank you and thank you so much (●'◡'●)ノ

    Fly high November 20, 2017 6:36 am
    Hey guys. I just want to update on what happened yesterday when I met him. We met at one of his favorite restaurant. I arrived earlier than him. I sat and think on how I want to tell him. When he arrives,we had... NekoAi

    Congratulations....may you find peace, blessings and lots of love in your married life...all the best.. I'll pray for you. .. But still you should at least tell your mom about that shitty old pervert... Plz do tell her it will be beneficial for you in the future..... I'm happy for you... All the best.....

    XxharutoxX November 20, 2017 4:08 pm
    Hey guys. I just want to update on what happened yesterday when I met him. We met at one of his favorite restaurant. I arrived earlier than him. I sat and think on how I want to tell him. When he arrives,we had... NekoAi

    Congratulations! You got a really nice guy there, you really made me cry thank god it Turned out well!!!!!

    devltears November 20, 2017 6:00 pm
    Hey guys. I just want to update on what happened yesterday when I met him. We met at one of his favorite restaurant. I arrived earlier than him. I sat and think on how I want to tell him. When he arrives,we had... NekoAi

    oh IM A MUSLIM ALSO ヾ(☆▽☆)
    alhamd for Allah, I'm glad everything went well for you
    and I'm so happy that you are a Muslim also

    NekoAi November 20, 2017 6:37 pm
    Congratulations....may you find peace, blessings and lots of love in your married life...all the best.. I'll pray for you. .. But still you should at least tell your mom about that shitty old pervert... Plz do ... Fly high

    Thank you for(⌒▽⌒)

    NekoAi November 20, 2017 6:38 pm
    Congratulations! You got a really nice guy there, you really made me cry thank god it Turned out well!!!!! XxharutoxX

    Yeah, I also so relieved when he can accept me.. Thank you

    NekoAi November 20, 2017 6:40 pm
    oh IM A MUSLIM ALSO ヾ(☆▽☆) alhamd for Allah, I'm glad everything went well for you and I'm so happy that you are a Muslim also devltears

    Alhamdulilah.. Thanks to you too for your advises...may Allah grant your wishes in the future ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    NekoAi November 20, 2017 6:45 pm
    Thank you for(⌒▽⌒) NekoAi

    Yeah,he also said the same thing... Maybe when I totally ready, I will tell my parents. It is not easy to talk about it you know~~ it takes me a lot of guts to Evan tell him about it.. My mind just blank after I told yeah it takes time to be ready to tell my parents. But still thank you dear ~~ I will ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    NekoAi November 20, 2017 6:46 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! chasingthed

    Thank you so much (⌒▽⌒)

    devltears November 21, 2017 11:39 am
    Alhamdulilah.. Thanks to you too for your advises...may Allah grant your wishes in the future ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ NekoAi

    amen for all of us inshallah, you're very welcomed my dear (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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