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sinnaboi September 6, 2019 7:26 am

looking for a yaoi/bl where a firefighter once saved a kid and has been looking for him since, then his team was chosen for an incursion (basically they come to the school to teach kids about the firefighting job) at a preschool and turns out the "kid" was actually the teacher at that preschool.

sinnaboi July 4, 2019 6:48 pm

reminder that closested people are fucking valid and yall shouldnt be pressured to come out

go your own pace, create your own path, create a lot of good memories.

people who pressure you are dicks. you do you. again, go your own pace. stay safe. it's alright to be scared. there's a lot of people willing to talk to you and listen to you, maybe even you can find some threads where people will give encouragement or words of advice when the time truely comes.

again, stay safe. pick a person you trust and know won't hurt or harass you. love yall so much

sinnaboi June 28, 2019 4:25 am

so bl manga where seme is "dating" the uke's mum and then makes a move on the uke and starts getting attached to him. seme turns out to have a hobby for conning rich/happy people and then fucking their lives up bc of some past event he went through. also mum slaps him at the end but yeah TwT any help would be appreciated! tysm

sinnaboi May 31, 2019 10:03 am

yaoi where the uke's dog dies and his neighbour pretends that he is his dog reborn into a human to get closer to him

sinnaboi March 26, 2019 11:15 am

anyone just wish more people would question the mentality and thoughts of a bad guy character in manga and manhwa more?

and im not talking about like, bad guy as in just a rival to a love interest, im talking about like sangwoo or yanek bad guy

the ones who have actually have had a body count of some sort and could so easily influence everyone around them. it's so interesting to just see what the possibilities could be for their actions but sometimes people just ruin the fun by going "lol but the dialogue says this and that"

so what? you sometimes too do say things that are much more different than the thoughts you are having in that situation so -n- don't come at me with that dialogue bs!

thinking of fictional characters' thoughts during situations make them more human and authors and people should remember that more instead of a drawing with a written down personality that will 100% dictate everything they do in life

    UkeLover March 26, 2019 2:35 pm

    That's part of the intrigue of reading these characters from a normal perspective. Probably also why we shouldn't think about whether Sangwoo is trolling people online on an anime comment section while Bum is chopping vegetables.

    sinnaboi March 26, 2019 2:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Sakatannnn

    my dumbass usually just associate my characters with vines so they burn easily with that but talking about someone like sangwoo and yoonbum seriously, i could just probably go on for hours and hours until i pass out

    sinnaboi March 26, 2019 2:48 pm
    That's part of the intrigue of reading these characters from a normal perspective. Probably also why we shouldn't think about whether Sangwoo is trolling people online on an anime comment section while Bum is c... UkeLover

    sometimes scares me to think that there might be an irl person who maybe has done what sangwoo has done or has the some thought processes and restrained themselves from defending the dude to avoid ratting themselves out. i just love to think about how people like them normalise and prioritise murder or how their trauma turned into those types of thoughts TwT

    UkeLover March 26, 2019 3:05 pm
    sometimes scares me to think that there might be an irl person who maybe has done what sangwoo has done or has the some thought processes and restrained themselves from defending the dude to avoid ratting thems... sinnaboi

    That's a shame, I think such a person could write excellent fanfic if they are artistically inclined. I like to think from Bum's perspective, or you know, the uke's in general. I just borrow sexy villains from popular media cuz I'm a big fan of villainous pairings :P

sinnaboi January 1, 2019 9:18 am

looking for a yaoi manga where the uke keeps hearing his neighbour have sex and the neighbour thought that the uke was interested in him bc he was staring at him but then the uke said that he was interested in the beer that the neighbour had. uke's crush asks to borrow the uke's room so that he can get it on with his gf and uke agrees and stays over neighbour's house for a night and they have sex ;w; im pretty sure that the neighbour and the uke go to the same uni but?? eee ;;;

sinnaboi December 22, 2018 7:07 am

so basically the manga is a yaoi and basically goes like this : seme is in debt bc his dad gambled, the uke listens to the drunk seme rambling on about it. uke brings seme home and sleeps with seme. and the uke used to be an author before getting caught kissing his co-worker. he says that money isn't his top priority, but if it could be used to help someone, that would make him happiest.

sinnaboi December 15, 2018 4:28 pm

looking for a yaoi with rlly good bj (blowjob) scenes!! preferably a cute and not sad one ;;; and also no djs pls ;;;

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