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AkiAyano May 11, 2018 10:59 am

I liked all the stories, preference I guess. I thought they were all alright, the couples were all different as well as the plot and how they progressed. It was something new with each couple so I wasn't bored. They all have a sense of happiness but their own type if you will. It went from vanilla sweet, to bittersweet with each progressing couple. Honestly it's a matter of taste. For me, I liked the second couple the best. Their story was the most interesting from my perspective and they each had their own strengths and weaknesses. Overall, the manga was good, was it great? No. But was it good, yea. And for some most likely it'll be meh.

AkiAyano May 5, 2018 11:13 pm

Like I agree the dad is sexy AF and I feel like the son is gonna make me cringe at one point for looking foolish....however the dad is running a freakin prostitution ring and let's not forget he has orphaned and well bred kids training for this line of work. And he's an effing pedophile! At least the son seems to be someone who may take this operation down but the dad just gives me the creeps at this point. He was daddy AF in the beginning but now he looks and feels like a sleeze. He wouldn't be sexy if he was fat, balding, or ugly so Idk why peeps keep forgetting that he's done some messed up things and probs more we don't even know about. Like does he kill anyone who tries to escape, or what about the kids who can't perform well when it's their time to be bought and their first ain't with some attractive fellow at least. Like it's some old ugly geezer or hag. This whole story is making me frustrated for them.....which means so far the artist is doing a dang good job at making me invested XD

    mih May 6, 2018 2:27 am

    I find the father disgusting, that old pedophile dude.
    His son is a idiot too, hope he improves.
    I wish the prostitute finds his freedom and happines ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    AkiAyano May 6, 2018 6:26 am
    I find the father disgusting, that old pedophile dude.His son is a idiot too, hope he improves.I wish the prostitute finds his freedom and happines ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ @mih

    Same I'm like crying inside hoping for his freedom even if the son is kind of an idiot who makes me cringe sometimes. Like I was getting second hand embarrassment when he ran into the building and tried opening the salon, he looked too eager and everyone there just looks at him like a kid so it made it even worse. (๑-﹏-๑)||

    Nyxmeow May 6, 2018 6:42 am

    Wait, I haven't seen raws so I may be missing something, but he doesn't own or run the Cyrene brothel/salon... I thought he's the wealthiest, highest-status customer. He did buy the boy's virginity and didn't seem to try to make it easy for him, so he's still a douche who pays to fuck possibly underage pubescent kids who have no choice - but he's not the owner as far as I know. Also to be fair we're not told exactly how old Rent Boy was when he did his first job, he might have been technically legal but magically youthful-looking like so many characters in yaoi. I mean, the dad looks almost the same age as the son.

    If the papa isn't the owner, he isn't the one who groomed kids (or had kids groomed) for sex work by legally and practically sexually abusing them. BUT even so he does support and take full advantage of a place that does it, so again still a douche.

    Totally agree that the son/MC is going to embarrass himself (and me) at some point!!! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    mih May 6, 2018 12:50 pm
    Wait, I haven't seen raws so I may be missing something, but he doesn't own or run the Cyrene brothel/salon... I thought he's the wealthiest, highest-status customer. He did buy the boy's virginity and didn't s... Nyxmeow

    That's what I understood so far too!

    ravenc May 7, 2018 10:49 am
    Wait, I haven't seen raws so I may be missing something, but he doesn't own or run the Cyrene brothel/salon... I thought he's the wealthiest, highest-status customer. He did buy the boy's virginity and didn't s... Nyxmeow

    the father is a little more than "a douche" stop making excuses for him just because you think he's hot

    AkiAyano May 7, 2018 11:04 am
    Wait, I haven't seen raws so I may be missing something, but he doesn't own or run the Cyrene brothel/salon... I thought he's the wealthiest, highest-status customer. He did buy the boy's virginity and didn't s... Nyxmeow

    Ahh I went back and reread and I got mixed up. Since it was coming of age ceremony and his dad walked in as if he owned the salon so I must have just assumed he ran it since arnault has been there for a long time and is like 'The Noble'. I thought he put someone in charge, like the manager, and they would watch it for him. Also, since he's a top tier noble it seemed fitting that he would own it, but I guess not. It was just confusing because the father brought Anton there right after the party and was like this is going to be a part if your life now showing up at this salon. Plus, when they gave him arwin they were hesitant and asking his dad if was alright like he was the boss. Idk, he just seemed like the owner type.
    And I'm not so sure about that legal thing for arwin, I mean Anton is around the same age as him and he just became of age which is probs 18. Arwin has been doing this for a long while by now so he most definitely wasn't legal if it's a time period where the MC's age is just now being considered as an adult. If anything he was probs 12-13 when he was with his dad. So from this we can conclude that most children are probs being sold around that age and maybe even younger depending on some people's taste. It's still creepy. Plus his dad is a weirdo because he apparently really wanted arwin for some odd reason, probs revealed later on. I mean it's better him than some other weirdo but it's still wrong. So yea like you said, he most definitely is taking advantage of this place and getting what he wants. Idk, he was daddy AF and now he's daddy gtfo. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    AkiAyano May 7, 2018 11:36 am
    the father is a little more than "a douche" stop making excuses for him just because you think he's hot ravenc

    They weren't really making excuses, they said multiple times that they thought he didn't get a pass. They were only making objective statements from the evidence gathered in the manwha. I was wrong about several key things that they clarified weren't true like the fact he doesn't run the salon or that Anton is going to be inheriting it. And the biggest one, whether or not he had a child prostitution ring going, which he doesn't since he's not the owner nor that manager chick. He just abuses what's available. So yes 'a douche' and a pedophile, but not a pimp running pedophile prostitute psychopath that I thought he was. Then because we aren't quite sure what arwins age was when he was with the dad, they were theorizing that maybe he could have been legal, at least for that time period. At least we hope he was older.The only thing in support of him was that he was hot...Also, I'm not attacking you but I don't think you should say that they're making excuses for him when really they were trying to clear up so inconsistencies.

AkiAyano May 1, 2018 8:42 am





It's definitely not kouki, tired guy, and there are 3 masked men. Perfume guy, nagae, and talk to you guy, taniguchi are definitely 2 of them, however I don't know the third but it seems to be the homeroom teacher. I Also believe that "nagato hiroki" is probably a combo of their names, like their characters make their name so like nagae and taniguchi make nagato and hiroki might be a combo of the third guys name with theirs. Idk just a guess. But the translators might have a better idea of it if they noticed anything weird with their names and the original sender of the text within the raw version. Side note, I honestly think taniguchi sent the text first because he always addresses him as "teru-kun" and I haven't seen anyone else reference his name this way at all except for him. Right now speculation Lol hopefully the extra will be translated ╥﹏╥

AkiAyano May 1, 2018 12:04 am

I thought it was Logan the whole time and not anyone else because in the beginning he had that liquid that corrupts cores right? That's why they're keeping him close because they suspect him. I mean I do believe he lost the vial at some point. I'd have to go back and check but I honestly thought it was obviously him but with someone also working in the shadows that he has no clue about. Idk but I don't think it's Ryan. He may be caught in something with the master of the house however I don't think he'd betray luacon at all. Also, I don't think it's Cecilia for similar reasons mentioned before.

AkiAyano April 23, 2018 9:57 pm

Just found this manga and I love it. We really need more smutty manga that's drawn well with an engaging plot. The guy is so hot as well as the girl.

AkiAyano April 23, 2018 4:34 am

I'm cheering you on as well hino!!
Banzai! ~(≧▽≦)/~

AkiAyano April 19, 2018 3:29 am

I love it ヾ(☆▽☆)
Lol sorry it's just so good and translator-san did awesome. Can't wait!

AkiAyano April 7, 2018 7:51 am

It's a little heartbreaking because it was like their old past got erased. I wanted him to wake up, and finally tell maki how he felt. Going through their experience dealing with maki's marriage and how they would get together and stop his marriage. Or waking up a year or two later to maki being divorced and coping with this change. This resolution seemed like a need to get them together quickly, already having their lover status established and neo gaining his memories rapidly.
At least he got the memories though. However, now the previous past they had together is gone even though it's the whole reason for why they're together now. It's heartbreaking since neo from the past won't experience consciously the current relationship and neo from now will only know of their past through memory. I feel miffed, real freaking miffed since there are plot holes. GAPING holes. 〇
( ̄へ ̄)

    Chrysenthimum April 7, 2018 3:13 pm

    Forget about the original past. It will only hurt. (That's what I did)

    AkiAyano April 7, 2018 4:35 pm
    Forget about the original past. It will only hurt. (That's what I did) Chrysenthimum

    (ಡ᎔ಡ) bu...buut..

    Nonameeee April 23, 2018 1:35 am

    OMG same!! I wanted him to tell Maki how he felt, and how he would stop the wedding? Idk but it makes the story more interesting and sad, making us feel sorry for some characters, then when they get a happy ending, we'd be satisfied that Neo's old self also got to experience love, happiness etc.. He experiences it now but it wasn't really him, himself that made him experience that happiness? I wanted the struggle basically of him telling directly to Maki his feelings, instead of them already dating and living together. I just want Neo's old self to experience the same happiness from his own hard work? It feels like the struggle that Neo's past self has doesn't exist...

AkiAyano March 30, 2018 3:28 am

Those moments when the panel is on Yuri and it's like the whole world slows down to reveal another side of Yuri. He's so precious like I can't. It's like a little treasure that ya keep to yourself.

AkiAyano March 13, 2018 12:41 am

I see this over and over in the comments, but quite a few them are just really spiteful, full of hate and way too over emotional. It honestly makes me question whether or not these readers are adults or children with how immature they think. The story was good, not great but OK. They had misunderstandings, lived a little, learned from their mistakes and were able to come together in the end. A happy ending. However, some seem to be out for blood. Like suffering is going to solve the problem, it just causes more pain. If you wish suffering and anguish on someone then it isn't love, it's hate and anger with a dash of regret talking. It comes off as a kid throwing temper tantrum. I'm pretty sure the light house guy wouldn't have wished for it and it's the reason why he was able to accept him in the

    iamb March 13, 2018 2:30 am

    Of course there are kids on here reading... and having an emotional response... but I am not a kid, not even close, and I am having an emotional response.. it was cruel what he did, but kids can be cruel, I did some cruel things I regret to this day and had some done to me. I apologized years later.. helped, but it's still there.. and this story brings out strong emotions because of how it was written. It would have been bittersweet if there had been another/better reason why he said he didn't like him, but it was written that way and it makes me not like him while understanding his youth and the supposed quick forgiveness in this story.

    AkiAyano March 13, 2018 9:12 am

    I understand that what we read may bring an emotional response, especially more so in others. And yea, it did seem rushed with a quick fix. That's why I said it was an ok story, but literally there are people who wish they could have seen the guy suffering, maybe even injured because he thought he did what was best for their relationship since he was going away and long distance seemed impossible. From my understanding, he said "what he said" to make the other esentially hate him or be able to move on easier thinking the other never loved him. The lighthouse guy was very resolute in staying where he was for the lighthouse and so the other guy felt that if he was going to go far away for better education, then their relationship might strain from how far apart they'd be. To make it easier on both of them he let the guy go hoping he'd be happy or move on instead of waiting for him. So to his surprise he came back and the guy was alone, and hadn't really seemed to move on. They still liked each other. It was there the whole time, the problem was reastablishing that this time he was there to stay and they could make it work. Like you said, he said something he regretted and apologized years later just like you did, and he was naive. So saying it should have been a better reason is kinda ignoring what you just stated and even experienced. There doesn't need to be a "good/better" reason for stupid things you do, you think irrationally based on emotions and limited logic and act. Its human nature. It's great you're an adult who feels emotionally, very strongly might I add, however some of the comments on here and on other mangas is sometimes downright atrocious and I was tired of all the negativity. I try to post constructively or not at all, but it's difficult to stay silent when it's a sea of immature or negative comments. It was intended as a general blanket overlay of all the comments not a direct attack on any one individual. Plus, seeing as to how many dislike what I had to say simply because I pointed it out just shows that it struck a cord with them, and possibly are guilty of such a thing. You don't need to defend yourself if you dislike the story or pacing or even the resolution. My comment was for those who simply mouth off absurdities not criticism, hence the immature.

    iamb March 13, 2018 10:12 pm
    I understand that what we read may bring an emotional response, especially more so in others. And yea, it did seem rushed with a quick fix. That's why I said it was an ok story, but literally there are people w... AkiAyano

    Art elicits emotional responses... it's just a fact. Emotional = arousing or characterized by intense feeling. So people are having intense responses to this art/story. I would guess that would be the intention of most artists.. the response cannot be governed by others. And since all ages read these stories you will be dealing with a range of maturity in all the responses. My comment about a better reason just means it could have been written where he said " I have to go, you have to stay. I am sorry, I cared for you, I hope you'll be happy". It wasn't written that way, that would have been just a sad, probably dull story. It was written to twist up our emotions imo , so it did as it was intended imo.. ergo, people are stirred up.

    AkiAyano March 14, 2018 1:06 am

    Yes that's great. I would agree as well. It does in fact seem to elicit an emotional response. However, how we choose to express our emotions and voice our opinions, the result should vastly differ between adults and children. So the idea that it is underaged minors commenting on such mature material has me concerned. This shouldn't be accessible to "all ages" in the first place, but then again that's just my view. Obviously the maturity level can range even within teens to young adults so there are exceptions to the rule. So it should be clear that my post isn't aimed at them but those who comment above and below mine that exhibit my original sentiment. Anyway, thank you for the discussion. It was civil and didn't really represent whom my comment was intended for, but again thank you. I've come to realize that it may be the case where children are commenting and by "children" I mean those under 18 or the mental state of such children, hence the immature comments. So my conclusion is that perhaps they're naive, and say stupid things because of their immaturity. So hopefully, they grow up and their views will change in the future. So while they can't be reasoned now, for their obvious need to lash out at those who disagree, I intend to move on onto more manga.

    youraedthiswrogn March 14, 2018 2:40 pm
    I understand that what we read may bring an emotional response, especially more so in others. And yea, it did seem rushed with a quick fix. That's why I said it was an ok story, but literally there are people w... AkiAyano

    This is a really good summary of the story, i agree with you on your opinion that the reactions to the story are over the top emotional as well. I don't think pointing out that these responses are immature is going to help achieve anything other than resentment, but i can see why you put it out there. I feel like we're on the same page in our understanding of the characters on an emotional level, the decision to leave the way he did was a poor choice, however the intentions were pure. There is a plot hole though, it is revealed that he chose to leave FOR the uke because he didn't want him to feel like he had to follow him to college and miss out on his lighthouse owning dream, but then doesn't show us that the seme even intended to try to come back and make things right. I think this is where a lot of the resentment comes from, this was written in a way that makes it seem like the seme ONLY came back because of his dad and patching things up was just an important 2nd thought to him. I don't personally think this way, that is why i didn't get upset other than over the 7 year thing for awhile, i think it's obvious from their interactions and from how they literally say it that they'd never fallen out of love and so it stands to reason that once the lie was revealed that most of the issues would just cease. I DONT think the complete emotional cleansing in ch 3 is realistic, i DO understand the spontaneous sex and them getting back together as they've been in love and missing each other for 7 years, but the complete forgiveness doesn't makes sense after 7 years of anguish. I don't want to see the seme in pain, i'm just acknowledging that a little resistance from the uke would've made some sense, though i suppose the initial avoidance might have been enough, thinking about it. He tried to not talk to the seme, but he was persistent and the uke was still in love anyway. Hmm... Yes, i suppose it WAS enough, the seme won him over through persistence. I suppose that's where our opinion and their opinions differ, to us it was enough, but to them it wasn't and now they leave comments wishing for more?

    AkiAyano March 14, 2018 9:12 pm
    This is a really good summary of the story, i agree with you on your opinion that the reactions to the story are over the top emotional as well. I don't think pointing out that these responses are immature is g... youraedthiswrogn

    I honestly agree with everything you replied with. This was where I was coming from yet no one, at least that I took notice of, had stated my exact sentiments the way you just did and I was just interested in putting a differing view out there. However if my comment on the maturity level of several readers causes resentment then so be it. It's not my responsibility for the offence they may take because it might strike a chord or two within them. Obviously, if it hurts their pride or ego to be told such then that's just a reflection on them not me for stating what I see. You're very courteous and I can see how the lack of a satisfied and reasoned ending or means to achieving such an outcome could cause the dissatisfaction amongst the readers so I'll give them that. You've given me another look at how their behaviors could have manifested, I just disagree in which the manner they express such behavior is presented. Overall though I'm quite happy that there are such nice people like the poster before you and like yourself that are willing to state their opinion and reason without lashing out, so I thank you!(▰˘◡˘▰)

    youraedthiswrogn March 15, 2018 8:42 am
    I honestly agree with everything you replied with. This was where I was coming from yet no one, at least that I took notice of, had stated my exact sentiments the way you just did and I was just interested in p... AkiAyano

    No problem ^_^ I felt an urge to respond to you because you were so... Willing to talk and i could see that someone felt the same way i did while reading this and thought that was neat. I agree that the responses are ridiculous at times, there're ones that're just objectively bad even putting aside any biases... Great chat :^)

    AkiAyano March 15, 2018 8:52 am
    No problem ^_^ I felt an urge to respond to you because you were so... Willing to talk and i could see that someone felt the same way i did while reading this and thought that was neat. I agree that the respons... youraedthiswrogn

    It was a really great chat!! ヽ( ⌒ω⌒)人(=^‥^= )ノ

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