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AWJzhene created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Yoh yoh yoh the rollercoaster of emotions, the plot twist, the devil that refuses to die, the obsession and possession, the guilt oh author of this manhwa you have really moved me

AWJzhene created a topic of Unfinished Business

Just sighed loudly, head in hands cause a girl knows this is never gonna happen, mans whole life has been about that mido lad

AWJzhene created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

This chapter had me blushing & giggling awww man they are just so cute

AWJzhene created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Huhu I love this, I love them huhu true love right here

AWJzhene created a topic of Nerd Project

The author knew what they was doing, now I'll literally be counting days til S2

AWJzhene created a topic of ARTS MANZ

You see now all I can do is *sigh*

The chaos... absolute cinema, the best way to end the season.

Yuri is peak, Stealing the title of best ship in the series at the moment. Let's hope it goes well huhu I love them so much

AWJzhene created a topic of Backlight

The hell seo-in walfling about??? Mans is for the streets but has the gall to come for my son, hell no

AWJzhene created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Praying for them to be endgame so bad

Homegirl about to be in her villain era it's about to crazy in here

AWJzhene created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Wow they both verbalised what they actually wanted, this could be one of the best chapters in the series

AWJzhene created a topic of Midnight Dweller

This couple and their lack of communication will be the end of me

AWJzhene created a topic of Define The Relationship

Ash is a beast, lawd damn
Imma pray for Lyle's sanity lmao

What??!!!?? I'm so sad that now I gotta wait awhile before the next chapters and this was getting so good omg

AWJzhene created a topic of Define The Relationship

These hiatus really be testing a girl cause I was anticipating this next chapter for a whole week. *Crying heavily* I think I'll just find the raws then read the novel huhu

AWJzhene created a topic of Red Mansion

Cause girl... This story EATING, I am officially here to stay.

AWJzhene created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Hawu ngeke I'm not doing this again cause the MC nevers ends up with the character I'm rooting for shame, I'll see who's end game then read the story from then cause I see its looking bleak for my black haired king.

This story has me creasing bruh I'm finished, I really want to read the rest of it now

AWJzhene created a topic of Jinx

Hope his leg breaks, so Dr Dan must just finish the bottle just for control