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AWJzhene created a topic of Salty Lust

They really don't need a child on this relationship NOW. Like this about to be messy and ghetto as hell

AWJzhene created a topic of That Sexapparition

Uhmmmm where's the rest of it

AWJzhene created a topic of Reunion

I love this so much.
The art is amazing and plot is *chefs kiss*

AWJzhene created a topic of Our Sunny Days


AWJzhene created a topic of Bluelock

Finally they scored yocchans are the king's
Kinda wish Isagi scored with an evolved shot or Predator eye but maybe the author saved it for PXG
We get to see PXG yesss

AWJzhene created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Me blushing and giggling. The cuddles omg it's just so cute. I love them so much ahhhhh

Throw this whole ending away. This sucks so bad. Where the consequences for the actions, no chasing arc mmh the MC deserves better. Yerr

AWJzhene created a topic of Bluelock

Even God rested. I need the author to stop edging us and give us that Isagi masterclass. I better see a goal next chapter bruh or...chile

AWJzhene created a topic of Bluelock

Shout out to Isagi who still found a new piece regardless of hiori taking a shot instead of passing to him. A real egoist who will rise to the challenge no matter what gets thrown his way. Let's hope he scores next chapter cause I want this match to end

AWJzhene created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I know next chapter gonna put me through the wringer but I want them happy and raising their child together. Salute to my king Seth, get your man

AWJzhene created a topic of Night Song

Aww man jae shin so cute. Man this last chapter giving me the feels. Hoping for their success in love fr

Hayibo. Trickery and deceit falls strong in the family. Like didn't they think hayi this is wrong let's not play with the main character's feelings. Hope he goes to Russia and makes everyone suffer and repent cause uh...ain't no way.

That man woo Yeon is absolutely cray cray. Like I was reading s2 expecting some development wooo... update it just got worse

Wow this story is peak and now I have to wait for weekly updates man I hope there's a novel for this.

Wow this story is peak and now I have to wait for weekly updates man I hope there's a novel for this.

AWJzhene created a topic of Salty Lust

Tan Owen be fine as hell tho

AWJzhene created a topic of Bluelock

Peak is coming. Isagi and hiyori about to cook.
Don't know why Isagi got hate for choosing hiyori instead of kiyora. He did apologize and made a reasonable arguement (though not logical I guess) for it. He's risking alot in this decision and I believe it might lead to some astounding developments fr especially for Isagi and BM as a whole. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭