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Sonnybie add 1 photos to Beautiful panels

Where are we going? My house?

Sonnybie add 1 photos to Beautiful panels

Ceasar pecks Ari

This story just jumps from point to point so fast I can't keep with those translations that just dumps so much info ( ≧Д≦)

Sonnybie created a topic of Turning

Yoooo everytime they touch hands my heartbeat spikes up... And tonight my heart came up in my mouth bc of that smut scene. I can't wait for the actual smut scenes that was hawt

Ahem This isn't actual snow white story so there's no need for kiss , just throw some water on her

But it's soo cute all of them look like puberty bike hit them but Isaiah has been looking mighty fine. Tch it's the red haired characters I say. They're the cuntiest of all. I guess Eldest brother also has grown up , i wasn't expecting to see Jeremy before the Eldest brother cause i forgot he is cordial with his family now & comes to meet them every often lol

Sonnybie created a topic of Nerd Project

All my fave series are either going on hiatus on ending seasons (〒﹏〒)

Sonnybie created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Disgusting ppl disgusting freaks thinking a 8 year old has seduced a grown up man & put all your blames on the kid? What's wrong with men & when wil they ever understand that everything happens bc men are obsessed with beauty & sex and learn to control your urges you freaks

I wish they immediately execute him on the spot I don't wanna see his disgusting face in next few chapters forget trials just kill him right there , doesn't even deserve the courtesy of getting killed by ML just let Souvir kill him right there already

There's a redemption arc for ML proly which we'll soon learn & bicht about so why go thru the heartache for this new thang. She doesn't look remotely interested in other than Ciel . It's a done deal

I feel so bad for Uke. When he said I like you yada yada the seme should have replied the same but no he's too busy being prideful to listen that smn is head over heals for him. Waving Yellow Card & orange flag rn yelling Strike 2

Are we betting? Okay then my meager cents is on Rudy Drake (the wolf) , the reason being and I quote "there's no way a wolf would secretly be a true ML right?" Yes I think he could be the ML because why not? Anyway if I lose I lose

Sonnybie created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

but honestly the angel guy removing his glasses and saying look at my face card had no business being this funny ahahaha I'm still laughing at that

Is it sad hours from now on? I hope there's more horror comedy scenes

Sonnybie created a topic of Crucial Point

I'm dying from anticipation!!!!

Sonnybie created a topic of Begrudgingly Yours

Guys how do you pronounce 'mlbb' while making out? Asking for a friend

Sonnybie created a topic of Traces of the Moon

The only good representation of desert lifestyle was shown in Ennead, others are all just fictional but I'm still reading this it's story that's intriguing I'm sure i would have liked the story of an escaper princess from European settings as well if the person writing the story is wanting to represent the dangers of travelling alone lmao

Sonnybie created a topic of Night Song

Reading it for the second time already and now I see the gravity of Jaeshin's curse to become inhuman (dog) in the daytime. That shit is really a nuisance for him poor Jaeshin otherwise he would fuck lee nok all day all night lol no on a serious note it would be helpful to lee nok if jae shin could protect him during day as well. S3 hopefully brings better solutions and get rid of the queen & her minions soon. That solar eclipse episode had so made so much sense now, I wish there's more solar eclipses if he doesn't break the curse asap lmao fighting! Jaeshin!

Sonnybie created a topic of Jinx

Give some better personality to JK in S2 atleast so that he doesn't think of Dan as a fleshlight equivalent. And more importantly make Dan less delusional if possible I don wanna see Dan forgiving him in 1st encounter in reunion, JK should work extra hard like with his damn good body to make it up to us Dan properly. Am I delusional to write a complain/request on an illegal site where she would never read this? Yes I am lol

Sonnybie created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Seyoung's blush is pink meanwhile heejay's blush is coral hehe

The artist drew the CUTEST children in manhwa history I love the art style it fits so good for childrens

Dating period is always blissful and they show their true face after marriage. He's spoiling her with gifts & letters meanwhile married them didn't even text

All I can say rn is they're both really inexperienced. They're both each other's first aren't they? Dating etiquettes comes from experience so it's okay if they get obsessive and controlling of each other's attention.

Seems like Jeong has a different way of going with this than Chaeheon cause obv he's a bottom and bottoms has always been a lil insecure of their worth deep down so they let the tops do anything to them. I've read the same troupe of BL stories often and do not find ML as high rated red flag yet , meanwhile I'm neither defending him cause obv it's wrong to encroach your partner's personal life with others involved and just hog for more attention and time. He'll learn if he doesn't want to harm Jeong's mental health but i doubt that & think tat MC would go obsessed soon as well as how these troupes end up in BL stories