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Beaniebby created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

Soooo your telling me that the guy the ML looks up to and desperately wants to rebuild their relationship knows who Kid is. The same kid that hacked into the system and killed all their friends & coworkers. The same kid who broke the neck of a cat and giggled. Not only does the guy know who he is but is fucking him and they are in a relationship? Thennnnnnn on top of that is helping him to continue to hack. Wtfffffffff the ML is going to crash tf out when he discover the truth.

Beaniebby created a topic of High Society

I feel like I missed something important with the interaction they had talking about the "cheap" store.

Beaniebby created a topic of The Fox's Thief Marriage

Why I feel like he gonna beat the odds and get pregnant again.

Can I be honest for a second? I lowkey feel really sad for the actor guy. Like he is just a pawn between everyone. I know his methods for being famous are sometimes crazy but idk I feel like he would have such a sad backstory on why he is trying so hard to become famous. I feel like his backstory would be him being sexual, mentally, emotionally, and physically abused it just give off that vibe. I wouldn't mind him being with the assistant/bodyguard too they would look cute together. I feel like him and the uke could be really good friends too. I hope the author writes it that way.

Beaniebby created a topic of Lily of the Valley

You gonna wish you pick your bags and left Anna. Cause the hell you are now entering is going to drive you the brink of death. I said it once & Imma say it again I believe Lily is going to persuade Anna to stay there with her. && Like the dumb duck she is she is going to stay. She is going to endure the abuse from the duchess all the while sneaking around with Lily. Lily isn't going to defend her at all and will continue to play the ditzy damsel in distress manipulating Anna w/tears. Which will lead Anna to become depressed and we will slowly see Anna becoming a shell of herself. The duchess is going to break Anna down out of spite & hatred due to her possessive behavior over Lily. I really hate love triangles it makes me sad. Since this only updates once a week I might just let the chapters pile. The cliffhangers are driving me nuts.

Beaniebby created a topic of Juvenile Offender

His BROTHER!?! What the fuck did he do!

Beaniebby created a topic of Gentle Forest

I appreciate the realness they added with the sex scene. Because most stories when they lose their virginity to big ass missiles they get shoved in no tearing feel pain for less than second and be fine the next day. When realistic that shit hurts especially if your partner is on the hefty end. It's gonna be some wait a minute, hold up breaks here and there. it's gonna take a couple tries cause they can't just shove it in you have to be patient and work the muscles. They shit really is painful especially if your doing Anal hurts like a bitch. Granted everyone body is different so people pain levels varies. This might be a weird detail to appreciate but nonetheless for me I still thought it was nice to see. Also seeing him being patient and warm and providing aftercare was a sweet touch.

Beaniebby created a topic of Rain Advisory

If your like me that when you find a story intriguing you go and look for the raws to soothe the itch in your brain. Well I seen the raws up to Chapter 25 (which is the final chapter) & I honestly don't know if I feel disappointed or not. Cause the story wasn't bad I think it's cause I vision the story to go one way and it didn't. It went the more predictable route. But it still had a good ending w/Possible side chapters in the future. I just hmmm.... I envision more.. The little monster is such a funny character.

Beaniebby created a topic of Royal Wedding (Bamilssi)

Damn cut off on the good part I was ready to see them rumble

Beaniebby created a topic of High Society

I like that his ego is so big that he can't fathom that no woman would refuse him. & Here come the FL thinking his delusional and putting him in his place each time. It's obvious that the end game is going to be them. But I'm enjoying her bruising his ego for now. I knew men like him the get bored quick so the chase is always more fun then actually having the prize.

Beaniebby created a topic of High Society

I like that his ego is so big that he can't fathom that no woman would refuse him. & Here come the FL thinking his delusional and putting him in his place each time. It's obvious that the end game is going to be them. But I'm enjoying her bruising his ego for now. I knew men like him the get bored quick so the chase is always more fun then actually having the prize.

Beaniebby created a topic of Lily of the Valley

It's obvious Lily going to stay but the real question is will Anna? Will she be able to fathom the torture of knowing there is no one she can blame now since this will solely be Lily choice? Will she cave under pressure when Lily uses those pitiful tears and sweet lies to persuade & manipulate her to stay. Will she be able to continue to digest the poisonous affection that is displayed before her? Can she continuously turn the other cheek when the duchess torture and degrades her while smiling into Anna betraying eyes?

As much as I hope she doesn't I Sadly I feel like she will be a fool and endure it she rather suffer in silence then lose Lily completely.

Sidenote- I know people hate the duchess I don't. Do I feel like her personality is shitty at times yes. But it's clear to me she is just a broken pitiful little girl who is looking for love/attention & is just going about it the wrong ways. So I although I do hate how she treats Anna I don't hate her as a character whole. The story itself is just Broken women looking for voids to fill.

Beaniebby created a topic of One Night Only

Awww they are so cute but awkward I feel like they really do match each otherNot gonna lie I want him to be pregnant again what's a couple more. I still want the ex to have a couple stories too.

Beaniebby created a topic of Wish You All the Best

Ugh I hate to say this since I know I'll be by myself but the prosecutor doesn't really deserve all the hate he gets. The prosecutor didn't force the uke there and if we take into account he hasn't really treated the uke that badly. Especially as badly as he could. The uke knew from the beginning that he was there on a mission. I think everyone keeps forgetting he was there to deceive the prosecutor in the first place. The uke knew exactly what kind of person who he would be involved with due to the head guy from the facility prepping him. So it's not like the Uke came in blind. He heard the rumors saw the files. The prosecutor has every right to be mad at the uke he could kill him if he really wanted to. The prosecutor was treating the uke very nice in the beginning( was it for his own motives, yes but nonetheless he still treated him well) even the uke said you've been treating me nicely that it confused me. Was there that possible gangbang situation happening yes but did he let it go down no. I also think people forgot that the 1 of the reason the prosecutor choose him was not only cause he was an "orderless omega" but because he said that he would be his "Possession". Not lover,Not friend but Possession. Why did he say possession because he knew from the files that's what the prosecutor wanted. I'm not saying the prosecutor is some great guy but I don't hate him completely neither. I feel like it's more to his backstory and I would like to know more. Even when the uke fell for the prosecutor he was still snooping around look for the files and sending information. Yea he had some internal conflict bout wanting to tell the truth but his mom safety outweighed that. But with that being said I do really think the prosecutor likes our omega it's just that inner trauma he has that I would like to know about. Because the prosecutor doesn't have a problem with killing and yet he hasn't killed the uke. Not to mention he could break the bond and get another omega to do the same but he doesn't want that. Letting a traitor live in your house there gotta be some kinda underlying feelings.

Mpreg in the future possibly? I honestly didn't think his powers was gonna disappear lol.. Damn so now what's gonna happen

Beaniebby created a topic of Milk and Cream

I was like this art look so familiar then I seen it's by the same person who did Fight club. The art is really pretty to me. && I was surprised to see who was the top & bottom I honestly thought they were going to be a switch couple.

Beaniebby created a topic of At The End Of Death

Don't bite condoms people you can create a tear/Rip in the condom which can lead to unwanted Pregnancies ,STDs and STIs. Place the condom on the regular way does it looks sexy putting it on that way? It does.Will your partner get turned on from the sight? Most Definitely! & Will you feel like a bad bitch doing it? Of course! But don't jeopardize your health. Just a fair warning to those of you who might've got the idea of wanting to try it lol. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶...

Back to the story I'm still amazed how he is no longer a corpse but a fully functional human again and at a quick rate. I see we have a new date on the calendar I wonder what's it for. The sex scenes are spicy and everything but baby I need to know what tf is going on why did he specifically choose him and what is he hiding.

I'm not gonna lie I started this because I thought this was finna be a Harem I seen multiple men and was like Pikachu I choose you . There was times where I didn't understand wtf was going on. But as we getting closer to the ending of the season I can say I'm now starting to see a plot develop and I'm actually enjoying it. So I'm sad to see the comments about the author thinking of dropping it. Hopefully they keep going and see the love and encouragement.

I know the latest 2 chapters probably were supposed to make us feel sympathy for Charin and for us to see Hyehan in a different light. But honestly it made me feel sadder for Jin. Charin manipulate Jin every since they were kids.

Charin inferiority complex is much deeper & scarier than I realized. I also felt like instead of Charin taking accountability he pretty much has fallen into self pity while playing it off as if he doesn't care anymore. So sadly I just didn't feel much sympathy for Charin these chapters.

I also understand the author painting Hyehan as a person who most likely grew up alone very much depending on himself and since his intelligence was so high that it was probably very hard to interact with people on his level. Resulting as him being Intellectual developed but emotionally & mentally lacking causing him to appear childlike. Does knowing this create a soft spot for Hyehan? No not all. I still think both characters aren't really good people. But it doesn't mean I hate them either.

Beaniebby created a topic of Phantom of the Opera

Ouuuu I'm interested in this Lowkey excited

Beaniebby created a topic of Fight Club

I had seen the raw of the lastest chapter and that close up shot of the alpha was absolutely gorgeous. Very beautiful drawn.