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Beaniebby created a topic of Acanthus

Why do I feel like the son killed his dad? I could see the son wanting the company and like he found out his evil deeds and killed him since it will be a win win situation. I also feel bad for the friend it's obvious he loves and cares for Nagi. But it's clear he isn't the main lead nor 2nd lead just an unrequited love. I feel so bad cause he is trying so hard to bring happiness to Nagi. Cause revenge isn't going to bring happiness. But Nagi is to damaged to choose a stable loving man he will end up with someone toxic. I know seeing Nagi choose the Pimp crushed his heart into a 1000 pieces. I still don't understand how Nagi hasn't realized all this help ain't free cause every second of the day he is constantly trying to get him back to the club. So if someone is constantly hounding me to come back and I keep refusing and now they wanna help. I would spot what they would want and return. The ML Lowkey seems crazy so idk what to think of him just yet. One minute he is smiling and friendly and next he is yanking people up and speaking down on them. He could be a good person but I'm sure he has a dark side as well.

Beaniebby created a topic of High Society

The FL is beautiful I'm in awe at her character design. The artist really did a good job with all characters but the FL is absolutely gorgeous in certain panels. Even her body design is well proportional and looks nice like I wouldn't mind having her build. I also like the little details of the mole under the ML eye and his dimples. His dimples is what's makes him really cute to me.

Beaniebby created a topic of Royal Wedding (Bamilssi)

I think it's cute how the Prince thinks he is using the Merchant when it's clear the Merchant can peep his every move and is always a step ahead of him. While I do feel like the Merchant might like him or come to like him. I feel like the Prince is the one who is going to fall fast & hard. Unbeknownst to him the Merchant has already manipulated him into actually wanting him. Him flipping that table over wasn't just an act he was truly indeed jealous.

Beaniebby created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

So is the officer with the glasses telling on everyone? He told on the ML about the files hidden which cause the MC to have his memory erase and for him to be reset. && Now the big officer is being taken away when he hasn't even told the ML anything yet. Who side is glasses really on

Beaniebby created a topic of PASSION

Idk how the brother and the servants doesn't hear all that banging and groaning cause ilay was definitely trying to pull&push that man guts out his ass.

Beaniebby created a topic of Formless

I got antsy and wanted to know what happen so I read the novel. His punishment was pretty tamed. I was expecting was bad but bearable could've been worse.

Beaniebby created a topic of Formless

The way I just yelled Gawd Damn now get it together shit! Might as well just tell the truth if you gonna be this paranoid. Gone on accept your punishment now & beg for forgiveness later. Cause why do I feel like he knows like maybe he didn't know in the beginning but by him being so jumpy he knows now. But even then I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew probably he had someone following him

Beaniebby created a topic of Corrosive

This seems interesting

Beaniebby created a topic of One Night Only

I wouldn't mind a few stories with the ex and his husband

Beaniebby created a topic of Morpheus

What was the purpose of him shoving his fingers down his throat and making him bite him?

Beaniebby created a topic of Royal Wedding (Bamilssi)

I'm enjoying the story so far. I do wish we knew how old everyone is. Cause for the Duke to look so young but already have 3 fully grown sons got me questioning ages. & For the prince to not have his coming of age ceremony yet that makes him practically a teenager. So this grown ass man has imprinted of this kid and is having sex with him. At first I was wondering how the imprint is one sided but now I'm thinking it's because the Duke knew him from a baby and groom him to trust him then made the naive prince fall in love with him. && How old is the merchant?

I am intrigued on how the Prince managed to get caught in the Duke web and what is the merchant ultimate goal.

Beaniebby created a topic of Morpheus

This seems interesting thank you for the translations (⌒▽⌒)

Beaniebby created a topic of Be, Be

A consent king? Oh we love those

I would've preferred him to be with his owner. Kinda wish he would've found out and went ballistic.

Beaniebby created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I'm kinda worried now I was excited at first because I thought maybe we were getting a 3p relationship but I don't think we are. Normally when characters start becoming jealous of each other it lets me know it's a possibility that it's only going to be 1 ML. && Him in the oldest have more chapters together than him & the youngest. So is the oldest gonna be the end game & the youngest brother is going to accept it and try to move on especially since he mentioned that he will be released before them. Cause once he is released it will be only them 2 in the cell. I'm hoping for it to stay 3P tho.

Beaniebby created a topic of Formless

That man is like a hot evil santa he knows when you are sleeping he knows when your awake he knows when you been bad or good so be good for goodness sake! Lawddddd Jesus baby you should've just skedaddle on home. But I know how it is when that liquor be calling hell it's calling me now and I know I'm finna answer

Beaniebby created a topic of Be, Be

Awww I needed more from this chapter not much happened oh well I like it so far I just hope it doesn't turn into a love triangle.

I can see the 2 assistants becoming a thing ( not sure what's the new secretary gender) or one of the secretaries and the family member who we just got introduced to.

Came across this on TikTok and thought why not and I'm glad I did this was really good I'm appreciating the build up for true revenge. Also the pacing of the story and relationship aren't neither to fast or to slow it's a comfortable pace.

It's obvious what's going on they both to scary to confess. I'm glad that the MC is like bet you won't stop sleeping around and take me seriously then I'm going to shelf these feelings I have for you and go get me some too. So I'm glad that the MC is putting himself first. But yea I don't think the new guy is a good guy feel like he could be a player too and just telling the MC whatever he wants to know. But then again he could be a good guy and is just going with the flow.

Beaniebby created a topic of Wish You All the Best

Don't fight me y'all but I feel Saein is overreacting. Him being this traumatized from finding out the prosecutor has cameras is bullshit to me. I feel like he just trying to convince himself to hate the prosecutor more so he can let go of whatever feelings he accumulated. Him being upset for being spied on when he came there to be a spy is so contradicting and hypocritical. He is having a mental breakdown over some damn cameras is aggravating me. Are you really that much in distress or are you just embarrassed you got caught? He should have known that he was being watch he mentioned how the prosecutor doesn't trust people. So why would u a stranger be any different. It would've been crazy if he didn't place cameras everywhere in his OWN HOME. && Now he is planning on running away which is silly. You catch more flies with honey then you do with vinegar. If you can feel comfortable seducing him to treat you well for 3 months then you can continue to do it to survive and get the information you want about your mother. They are bonded if he runs away it's gonna damage his body someway. Idk I feel Saein is being childish cause the prosecutor wouldn't admit that he likes him back.

& No I'm not disregarding everything the prosecutor did to Saein. I saw it I read it and I acknowledge it but Saein put up with it all. until his feelings got hurt when he ask the prosecutor did he like him. This isn't a bash Saein comment neither I really like Saein & wish the best for him but I sometimes gotta call the fuckery out when I see it.