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Gayman102 June 7, 2024 12:09 pm

I love this story so much and this story becomes a lot more enjoyable once you read it from a different perspective. This isn’t supposed to be an original love story where love triumphs all. Instead it’s a deconstruction of the stories that this story is based on (the romance fantasy genre). It showcases all of the stupidity in these stories and it does so knowingly, it was confirmed in the most recent chapter where the new prince’s fiancée talks about how the prince would never meet with another woman when he’s bethrothed but that's how she got her role. I love it bc the MC is using every stereotypical circumstance to his advantage and he knows these characters are so one-dimensional (bc that’s how the romance fantasy characters are) that he can easily manipulate them to do what he wants. I love stories that are considered “meta” which is them outsmarting or making a joke of a genre and this story does that so well. I don’t believe it should be taken seriously but rather it should show the flaws of the romance fantasy genre and how trash it really is.

This is suchhhh an interesting manga and I love it so much.

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