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JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about going to concerts
*squeel* 'YOU LOOK soO COoL *squeel* Can I touch your sword'
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 created a topic of The Foul

...................Kwon Taeha has the ''BIGGKOK Syndrome''
its very rare and when he hits old age, it will slowly evolve to the ''FLASSID Syndrome''

hes jest seXXXy taking off his watch and specs

'dont tell me its the forehead'

Uung! takes his watch off
getting his boxers licked

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about dating
.....Absolutely Jaeshin, but now imma go with Jay. Look at this man:))

g-dragon NIKES shoutout

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 add 1 photos to cutesy uke

this panel exceeded me expectations

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
I can tell that you are a very intelligent person and can truly be passionate when you set your mind on 'mission mode'. Now, with that being said, I absolutely pray that you find exactly what your 'forte' is and engulf yourself in it, because hanging around in these dirty little crevices and nooks of this 'www' will do you no good. .... Or, you can......
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 add 1 photos to cutesy uke

yes daddy, bring mommy back

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 add 1 photos to cutesy uke


hes an artist for a reason thumb had tourrettes. It wouldn't stop scrolln' and shit://
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question

tell it to the world Sensei

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 created a topic of Love Sick Dog

..............most of y'all I cant fuckn stand. Something happens in ANY story and the cries for raws start to appear. It's obvious as well, cause the ones who can speak Korean know exactly where to find raws, 'newt*ki' isn't NEW of course. So if you CAN'T read Korean, why'd you want the originals for dumdum:// If you could you wouldn't be here. jest sayn

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
..........jest thinkn of the money MADE and SPENT at the MET they were like "there's a war?? where??'' #filthyrichpricks2024

fuckn awesome

CHILL..this was 7rs AGO.. shes not on MGG no more

too bad its a heavy brocon story