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Eli created a topic of Nakittsura ni Hug

I was diagnosed with social anxiety before and I probably still have it but not so strong and what helped me was therapy and meds. I'm unhappy that bl mangas in general don't show real treatment for mental disorders.

Eli created a topic of Flip the script

For a second I thought the brother was an omega than I remembered that this is not omegaverse lol

Eli created a topic of Risky Vice

The dialogues are all over the place.

Eli created a topic of Backlight

I mean if I was abandoned by the person I was getting involved with I would also get hurt. But when I meet said person again I would ask what happened, not rape them.

Eli created a topic of Wet Sand

The whole mafia plot bores me, but I like these romantic scenes.

Eli created a topic of Someone Like You

I don't know. I really prefer when BL show non con and we can obviously see it's abuse. There was this story in which a guy said I think on reddit that he was having sex with his wife and she asked for him to stop and he didn't (there was more to the story but that's the gist). And I wonder what's the difference to uke asking seme to wait/stop and him continuing? Younger people may think this is normal but if the consent is taken even though it was given before, the other person should stop. Sure uke apparently liked it but it gave me a bad taste.

Eli created a topic of Number of Cases

Couldn't these pheromone things be about smelling something bad and felling nauseous about it? But like since you really like the other person you start thinking that the smell is kinda good since it's from that person? I mean I like my wife sweat smell, it's bad but I know it's her smell and I just kinda like it.

Eli created a topic of Koko wa YES to Ittekure

About 70% of japanese people approve lgbt marriage. In big cities I don't think it would be a problem in the workplace, just like seme said. Okumura being ignored was not because he was gay but because of all this affair thing. I hope people don't paint Japan as this totally homophobic country. Just like any other country there are homophobes but there also allies and lgbt people.

Eli created a topic of Backlight

Guys, the STDs! Also since ml fucks a lot I thought he would be good at it but he's the worst.

Eli created a topic of Ore to Renai Shitemimasenka

Is this completed?

Eli created a topic of Into The Thrill

ML is terrible. Just because someone sleeps around doesn't mean they need to sleep with anyone. If there's no consent at that moment it's rape.

Eli created a topic of Wet Sand

I like both MLs, once I prefer TJ but Jo was really nice in this chapter, so I'm like "whatever". I'm easy like this, bet Ian feels this way too.

Eli created a topic of Kill Me Now

Is there smut or is this shoujo ai?

Eli created a topic of After Killing You

I don't get where people got that the uke is straight. He's obviously a bisexual that can't accept himself. There's lots of them in the real world and unfortunately they make their partners miserable. My wife's bisexual ex lived their whole 8 years together hiding herself, even her mother knew about it but she didn't have the courage to come out to her friends. My wife had to present herself the most feminine because of her, even tho she's actually a butch. In the end that ex cheated on her with her male boss. It's easier to say that the uke is straight than to man up that there are horrible bisexual people (as any other sexuality or gender).

Eli created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I love u Juju. I hope you get better and please take care of yourself, don't mind the haters

Eli created a topic of Someone Like You

I saw the chair and thought "this must be really uncomfortable" and then comes Han and says it looks comfortable. I died there.

Eli created a topic of The Man of Tango

It was really good but it felt incomplete. It ended before their relationship really being established.

Eli created a topic of Codename Anastasia

I've stopped reading it in the beginning but let me guess: the only times women appear in this story is to have sex. Not only a straight scene shouldn't be in a BL (if I wanted to read straight sex I would read Josei) but the author is also really sexist. Thank god I dropped it.