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ikigai March 12, 2019 3:25 am

guy I know asked for some manga reccs. Problem is my memory is shit and I can’t think of anything. So rec some manga you rlly liked (no bl or shoujo he’s not rlly into that)

ikigai March 5, 2019 3:35 am

a shounen ai I’m p sure, where we have one character who’s a research student and the other lives on the same apartment complex as him. Anyways the other guy really likes flowers, he used to have a book of them when he was younger and when he first visits student’s room he also has a flower in his room...then some stuff happens...don’t rlly remember but I do know that at the end due to reconstruction or smthn they end up living together + they find 2 cats (black and white) and end up raising them and in the end they kiss outside while the wind is blowing.
If anybody could help me find this I’d really appreciate it

Most important points:
-character really likes flowers + has a book on them
-that same character had an older sister and a father who was apparently cheating on their mom or smthn bad but character still liked his father
-they end up living together after their complex has some changes
-they get 2 cats- black and white
-they kiss outside (around some kids I think) during summer

ikigai March 1, 2019 10:17 pm

I’m kind of sick of mangas where the female lead is like super bubbly and super optimistic (cheerful, unrealistically self sacrificing, no backbone, dumb but good hearted, etc etc u know the type) and keeps on striving for the male lead long long after she’s rejected. Like it’s cool and all but I’ve read it too much. Looking for mangas where the female character behaves like,,,.a normal person. Level headed/behaves realistically. (I’m not talking about a super “cold” character here). Their life doesn’t revolve around the guy they like, they have their own interests and ambitions, have moments when they feel down or insecure too.

Basically- a character who feels real.
If anyone has reccs of mangas w a character like this lmk, or jst lmk about any shoujo u rlllly enjoyed. thanks ^^

ikigai February 10, 2019 4:03 pm

oh god is mangago gonna die ;-;

ikigai December 29, 2018 5:14 am

hi guys, i’m looking for a realistic manga. something where the way the characters react, their internal dialogue, is logical and reasonable.

i’m so sick of the same old cliche bl characters- the whiny/has-no-backbone/crybaby ukes who are madly in love for no reason, the sadistic semes who somehow have everything together, etc etc (you know what I’m talking about) where they fall in love in like 2 seconds and no real life issues like jobs or what they want to do with their lives pop up. I’m looking for a story with substance with realistic characters who have fears, passions, and just overall have depth to their character.

Know this is a bit of a tall order but if anything has something like this they enjoyed, I’d love a recommendation. Oh and btw I am talking about yaoi primarily but it doesn’t necessarily have to be, feel free to comment any genre. thanks and have a great day/night ~

solkai September 15, 2018 6:34 am

Hi guys I’m trying to find a bl manga I read a while back and don’t really remember. I remember a side story of the main story tho. In the main story it’s these two high school boys (light haired playful guy and dark haired studious guy) who get together fall in love and in the side story it’s the dark haired guy in college and it’s from the pov of some other guy who goes to their college and is /straight/ (but not rlly) and all I remember is this specific scene where other guy flashbacks to seeing a hickey on dark haired guy’s neck like the first day in college and being surprised bc he looks so studious and recalling that it looked “like a warning light” or something of that sort. And also there is a scene where there’s a storm outside and the lights go off and other guy realizes his feelings and almost kisses black haired guy but then stops.
Sorry this is kind of a mess but its all I can remember from my jumbled mess of a brain. Oh and another think the art is kind of unique, like it’s flowy ish. Don’t know if that makes any sense lol but that’s the best way I can put it in. Thanks!

solkai August 16, 2018 2:57 pm

Hi! I’m feeling nolstalgic so I feel like reading shoujo. Does anybody know stories that have models in them? (Like main character going through hardships to become a model, etc) I feel like I read a couple books like that before but can’t remember the name of them :( thanks!

solkai April 5, 2018 8:05 pm

Anybody know which manga this is?
I see it around a lot and I’ve always been curious lol

    NekoNani April 5, 2018 8:15 pm

    Daydream nightmare

    Anonymous April 5, 2018 8:18 pm

    Daydream Nightmare

    solkai April 6, 2018 3:46 pm

    Thank you!!

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