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★lemon★ add manga to list plot + extra ifykim


  • Author: G jyeo
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Romance
★lemon★ created a topic of Dark Fall

read this in about 5 seconds… will probably have to wait another 3 chapters before this is over

★lemon★ asked a question

Are there any stories where there is a proper love triangle. Like A loves B, B loves C, and C loves A? Most of them are like - A loves B, B loves A, and C loves B, which is just two M/F leads. Can be straight/ GL/ BL, I’m just really interested in this trope

★lemon★ add 1 photos to woah

I was reborn as the his highness the prince’s evil little dragon

★lemon★ created a topic of Temptress

ok so,

1. everyone is so right, how has this girl not got an std yet. theres no protection. are we gonna have a character redemption arc where she gets an std and then chills out a little bit with the fucking or??

2. i want her childhood best friend back, i know hes got his own whole other story, but i liked their relationship :(


★lemon★ add manga to list 3p

Desperate for the money to pay his brother's hospital bills, a young man accepts an old friend's off...

  • Author: Zaria
  • Genres: Yaoi / One Shot
★lemon★ created a topic of The Man At Night
★lemon★ add 1 photos to hawties

codename anastasia

★lemon★ add 1 photos to muscles hm

codename anastasia