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Nickname created a topic of Dead man Switch

Ok so the mcs share yjh(Yoo Joonghyuk)'s regression power or smth.
If uke dies the time resets back to when he woke up in his dorm room. But he doesn't remember his past lives but the seme does. And what else was there? I forgot what I had in mind other than this.... ┗( T﹏T )┛

Nickname created a topic of Topsy-Turvy


I don't think first order or whatever his name is dead...

Nickname created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

Normiee pls just- dump that stupid weird ass creep and end up with ur roomie

Nickname created a topic of My Favorite Idol

Yk after reading this manhwa I was REALLLYUYY curious abt this kpop idols word. So I curiously asked my kpop fan friend abt it. And yeah, I nearly threw up.. bro... the very first thought I had was "where's the humans right, man?" and the second thought was "what happens if you don't debut? Since they start training like when they're 10 or 13 around there right?"

Nickname created a topic of The Player Hides His Past

Just looking at him not being able to sleep makes me exhausted ;;;

Fooooocccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk why would you tell her that......?

Nickname created a topic of My Favorite Idol


Nickname created a topic of The Player Hides His Past

Can y'all recommend me a web novel that's easy to read but is also really good and detailed? I'm thinking of start reading a novel but idk what to read...

Nickname created a topic of Innocent wo Kegasu Kiss

They say that hair holds memories. The fact that in the end Ombra cut his hair and Sirius grown his is just like as if Ombra wanted cut away his grudge against the prince and Sirius kept his hair long to keep remembering Ombra(≧∀≦)

Nickname created a topic of Bride of Ignat

Have you all watched a movie similar to it? But its male x female movie (dragon ml & human fl) like in the past dragons used to have their babies thorough burning the bride's body. But then it was changed, I stead they had s*x? Idk but it's a rlly good movie. Does anyone remember the name? (The fl teaches the dragon aot of human basic things, if?)! Why is he so smooth ╥﹏╥♡♡♡♡

She's such an depressing girl... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Nickname created a topic of I've Become A Crow

Pregnancy? Huh no way right, this early on? Hha...on your first night?

Nickname created a topic of Lotto princess

Oh my God through this all chapters I've been cursing this tomato bichass stinky mf srry excuse of a father shithole fcking asshole! FCKKKKKK notice already?!!! My blood is rushing, boiling and exploding!!!! Fckkkk