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purin add 1 photos to jealous

if prez baek cant hug iro, mr choi certainly isnt allowed to

purin add 1 photos to cool

hot women are my biggest weakness

purin add 1 photos to jealous

theyre not even dating and the boss is hella possessive

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

president baek is beautiful but dont make iro do OT

purin add 1 photos to jealous

calm down boyo it hasnt even been 10 chapters

this story lost the plot halfway through. it was really interesting at first but now i feel like it's too much of a trainwreck

purin add 1 photos to funny

they had a funny ending

purin add 1 photos to cute
purin add 1 photos to cute

red flags but theyre cute, i'll overlook it

purin add 1 photos to sad

dramatic mf, but woohyuk better make it up to him

purin add 1 photos to screaming


purin add 1 photos to hot

his back is beautiful

purin add 1 photos to cute

"you're both mine anyway." i know lee would've been more comfortable, but these 2 are great tgt

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

trying not to save every panel of this man is difficult asf

purin add 1 photos to sad

happy jiho got woohyuk and depressed because lee jonghan didn't

purin add 1 photos to cute

one of the most entertaining couples

purin add 1 photos to cute

oh this silly puppy

purin add 1 photos to cute

i love them

purin add 1 photos to funny

no one can beat jiho in terms of narcissism except for gwanjong

purin add 1 photos to funny

there's the jiho we know and love