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ObsidianGoddess May 25, 2024 7:21 pm

I dodged reading this for a long time because I thought it was the usual brainless isekai, but it’s actually very nice.

ObsidianGoddess May 20, 2024 9:27 pm

So Eve is in fact an adult, but stopped aging due to magic, and I’m sure that he will probably look older once he gets control of his magic (also the author likes small seme big uke)

Thank god because I was reading and repenting to Jesus but thankfully he should be around 18, if not older. Especially because he is being referred to as a grown man, numerous times by his partner.

    xashh May 22, 2024 2:08 pm

    you think there's a chance for eve to have adult form in future? /gen i really want to know but too busy to look for clues and hints of it myself xx

    SGN May 22, 2024 3:56 pm
    you think there's a chance for eve to have adult form in future? /gen i really want to know but too busy to look for clues and hints of it myself xx xashh

    Sometimes the author posts Eve's adult form art on twitter, so maybe in the future or epilogue since the author prefer small semes

    天山 May 22, 2024 7:20 pm
    you think there's a chance for eve to have adult form in future? /gen i really want to know but too busy to look for clues and hints of it myself xx xashh

    adult form eve is somewhat teased in ch1!

    angel5 May 23, 2024 4:54 am

    But his parents (the ones who hired a mercenary to eliminate Eve) said they found him as a baby in the forest.

    xashh May 23, 2024 7:20 am
    adult form eve is somewhat teased in ch1! 天山

    yes but somehow I'm concerned with the little hints of adult eve and author will make him stay w child form (seeing author likes small seme)

    xashh May 23, 2024 7:21 am
    Sometimes the author posts Eve's adult form art on twitter, so maybe in the future or epilogue since the author prefer small semes SGN

    holyyyyy shir they do?! what's their un omfg

    SGN May 23, 2024 12:32 pm
    holyyyyy shir they do?! what's their un omfg xashh

    The user is @kaziwaraio

    This is some of adult Eve sketches:
    (if you check the comments, they said he won't appear on the main story ( T﹏T ))

ObsidianGoddess May 19, 2024 5:48 pm

I find it so funny that there are people who feel bad for Rashta, not even bad for the situtation (that she caused) but they think that Navier is the real villain in this story. Can you believe that????

I literally read the story just to see Trashta and Soveshit suffer, her tears literally moisturizer my skin cause I know girls exactly like her, who will do anything for their “happiness” even if it means ruining another persons life. The stories I could tell about girls like this.

    TwistedCupid May 19, 2024 11:18 pm

    I think I sort of do feel bad period now you remember coma this story is Supposedly to embellish on the empress which is good period the empress hasn't done anything wrong But you have to think about Rasta situation. She was a slave. I mean like, if you were in a place where you are considered not even a human and have been sexually abused and you need escape, you would try to grasp at any rope to find a better life. However I think she was naive and not trained and not skilled and was thrown into the water with sharks and she's trying to keep her head above water and she's doing about it the only way she knows how, by doing what she's learned as a slave, trying to find any way to not go back to that life. I know she probably got too ambitious but she's being fed that she's got to be ambitious. I just feel like, if there wasn't any slavery allowed in this land, if she was given an opportunity to improve herself and the education to do it, she wouldn't have chosen this path or maybe, she wouldn't have been taken for granted and abused for so long that she's just a broken doll trying to keep herself from falling apart. As I said I'm going to sympathize with the girl who's been a slave all her life because she wasn't prepared for any of this and she had to be sneaky but you got to remember, look at everyone who's betrayed her

    CacahuateEstornudo May 20, 2024 12:49 am

    People aren't feeling sorry for rashta because they are dumb but because this is one of the shortcomings the story fails to ever address.
    We are supposed to see Navier as a sympathetic character, the perfect and benevolent empress. But the author didn't give much though to what Navier being a good empress would mean. It would mean she would make sure slavery is abolished in her empire, it would mean she makes sure nobles don't abuse their authority or that they are allowed to be corrupt. Yet Rashta's character is direct result of the failings of the imperial family's government. And when you think about it, Rashta is an abuser girl, forced into slavery, abused, who had her kid stolen from her before the story begins. Like before meeting sovieshu she was a literal slave. Now this emperor comes out of nowhere and rescues her of course she will cling to him like a lifeline.

    ObsidianGoddess May 20, 2024 1:41 am
    People aren't feeling sorry for rashta because they are dumb but because this is one of the shortcomings the story fails to ever address.We are supposed to see Navier as a sympathetic character, the perfect and... CacahuateEstornudo

    I think you are putting way to much in the hands of navier. Empresses commonly do not have much power, everything has to be approved by the Emperor. They mostly hold events, charity galas, are the head of fashion and the social world, they have little political power unless the emperor is behind them. Navier has showed that she does care for the people and does active philanthropy, she even left Rashta money for her to donate to the people.

    I do not understand how you expect one woman, in a patriarchy, to abolish slavery. Not only the emperor had to agree, but the nobles have to agree too or it could cause a coupe. So I don’t understand how Rashta having a shitty life is because of Navier, especially because Rashta was a slave LONG before Navier became queen, they are literally close in age. Just because she’s a slave doesn’t mean she can steal someone’s husband, cling to him sure, but she could have gone another way. She could have asked Navier for ajob, an education, to be adopted into a good family, instead she wanted something that she had no qualifications or rights to have. It’s not okay to be a bad person just because you have trauma. Rashta literally has not done one decent thing in her life, she’s been envious and covetous since day one. If she was a decent human being she wouldn’t be suffering so much.

    Don’t blame everything on trauma, I know plenty of people, me include, who have suffered things you can’t even imagine. Yet we never take it out on other people and do our best to survive everyday. You cannot excuse her actions, she is ready to commit murder to be “happy”. She will never be happy.

    ObsidianGoddess May 20, 2024 1:52 am
    I think I sort of do feel bad period now you remember coma this story is Supposedly to embellish on the empress which is good period the empress hasn't done anything wrong But you have to think about Rasta situ... TwistedCupid

    I don’t feel bad for her, she got what she wanted and realized she can’t handle it. Navier literally let her have what she wanted, she wanted to be empress, there she has it. Now she’s realizing that just because she has the title, doesn’t make her an empress. The imperial court is cutthroat and an uneducated insecure girl isn’t going to swim in this “sink or swim” scenario. She is sinking.

    I don’t like her because she acts like she’s cunning, but she makes stupid emotional decisions again and again. I genuinly do not know how she survived this long. She’s literally hating Navier, and the woman did nothing to her, it makes no sense. She lives in her mind rent free. She stubs her toe, it’s Navier’s fault, the people don’t like her, it’s Navier’s fault, her soup was cold, this was definetly because the chef liked Navier more. Navier even tried to help her, leaving her money to donate and continue the philanthropy that she started, and the girl botched that by giving the money to a THEIF

    ObsidianGoddess May 20, 2024 2:12 am

    I do understand where you both are coming from though, cause obviously her trauma of abuse and not trusting anyone has created a monster. I just personally (as I stated in the original post) have experience girls like Rashta before and it is not pleasant. People that use their trauma as a weapon to cause misery are so scary to be around. I literally have PTSD about girls like this because they have wrecked friend groups and peoples relationships with this behaviour, and still to this day, do not know what they did wrong.

    I have an real life example but it might be TMI Lmfao

    noot noot June 2, 2024 10:59 am
    I don’t feel bad for her, she got what she wanted and realized she can’t handle it. Navier literally let her have what she wanted, she wanted to be empress, there she has it. Now she’s realizing that just... ObsidianGoddess

    i was cheesin whole time I’m reading this

    CacahuateEstornudo June 2, 2024 7:08 pm
    I think you are putting way to much in the hands of navier. Empresses commonly do not have much power, everything has to be approved by the Emperor. They mostly hold events, charity galas, are the head of fashi... ObsidianGoddess

    I don't think Navier is solely responsible for slavery in the empire. That is obviously mostly Sovieshu's responsibility. But she still failed as an empress by not ever being shown to get involved in the social issues present in her country.
    I think you are honestly seeing everything too black and white and forgetting that most of the time things are somewhat I. The middle.
    The real villain here is sovieshu.
    Also Rashta isn't just abused. She was a slave. Like yes, you know plenty of people who have been abused, how many have you known that were slaves. Like Rashta wasn't just abused, her every human right was violated since she was a little kid. She doesn't even know how to read, she wasnt taught basic life skills. At the start of the novem she doesn't even understand how titles and differences between nobility and royalty work. Realistically, Rashta should be portrayed with more depth.
    Again, in the story Rashta is never portrayed in a way that the reader is able to empathize with her. She is written to be seen not as a victim who survived slavery and was later traped in another abusive relationship, but as a bratty kid who unjustly steals what is rightfully Navier's. And this is one of the author's shortcomings.
    She wrote the story and didn't pay attention to the fact that the narrative she tried putting in place may no hold under scrutiny.
    She could have written this differently. But she didn't.
    This doesn't mean this story is not good. Just that it has shortcomings.

    CacahuateEstornudo June 2, 2024 7:09 pm
    I do understand where you both are coming from though, cause obviously her trauma of abuse and not trusting anyone has created a monster. I just personally (as I stated in the original post) have experience gir... ObsidianGoddess

    Also it's not that in justifying Rashta's action, rather what I am saying is Rashta's character is badly written .

    alfajor June 11, 2024 1:27 am
    I think you are putting way to much in the hands of navier. Empresses commonly do not have much power, everything has to be approved by the Emperor. They mostly hold events, charity galas, are the head of fashi... ObsidianGoddess

    I think the comment above is correct. because it talks about The Perfect Empress that the author wanted to give. Rasta is like the child the state forgot. Mc herself tells Rasta before leaving that she must donate 20 thousand in the name of the crown to the children. BUT Rastra only believes that the queen is making fun of her. It is a very good analogy to put Rastha as the failure of the empress and the perfect emperor. do not abolish slavery, preserve the rights of the child.... rastha is a reflection of the defects of the Crown. and we are in a novel so it is not worth justifying historical facts of power. Even more knowing how the author highlighted the power that the Queen had. For me the worst characters are those who manipulated Rastha, that whole family is psychopaths...(loteushuu?) and they are from the royal family, that makes one think that there are more Rastha in that world.

ObsidianGoddess May 19, 2024 5:37 pm

Who else wants to reread from the start to get those feelings of happiness back because ITS BEEN SO LONG

ObsidianGoddess May 18, 2024 11:48 pm

It seems like the author is setting up the MC to be with her own brother

Also the story got so confusing, so the beast pretending to be her brother is actually someone else’s twin brother like what????

They are calling her a great magician but we’ve only seen her use magic successfully once, and the rate they are falling for her is crazy. The black guy I get, saviours complex (she saved him) but the other ones are rapid.

    Sora May 25, 2024 10:23 am

    Is the brother the one with the very long hair? Is she really going to end up with her bro???

ObsidianGoddess May 18, 2024 11:12 am

That jellyfish is starting to annoy me more than usual, let our MC enjoy his life with his husbands and daughter IN PEACE.

ObsidianGoddess May 18, 2024 10:08 am

The story is kind of…bland.

First of all I wish she was actually blind, what’s the point of making her blind if she has the Byakugan on 24/7.

Second the hiding power thing and taking abuse from others is getting old, it’s gonna come out out regardless because she doesn’t even hide it that well.

Branding a new born babies forhead with hot metal is INSANE. I get it’s their custom but I would not be so chill after that, I would be mad as hell. She’s being treated worse than a commoner or slave, they don’t walk around with big ass brands on their forehead.

Also she is an ultimate dumbass for actually forgetting that god gave her powers, but the way she wasted so much POINTS. She put nothing in magic, and didn’t even really get strength because she’s only strong with that bird sword. So she actually wasted an opportunity to be a well rounded character.

It’s just a mess of a story.

ObsidianGoddess May 18, 2024 1:11 am

I know Manhwas and Webtoons never get merch, BUT PLEASE A RED BEAR PLUSHIE IM BEGGING

    Romu May 18, 2024 2:47 am

    huh? webtoons get merch too.
    official Webtoon webtoons get merch here and other webtoons get merch there
    I have bought merch from webtoonshop previously and the shipping is expensive but you gotta do what you need to do to get what you want

ObsidianGoddess May 15, 2024 1:54 am

The character designs are so pretty and cute, you don’t see this much dedication out put in an art style very often, especially for Isekai that they just pump out like clockwork.

ObsidianGoddess May 12, 2024 1:48 pm

The same people simping for the Empress are the same people that say “Rashta did nothing wrong”

We can’t trust people like you, go seek therapy for your mommy issues already.

    ma boie May 12, 2024 5:07 pm

    There's people who think that? e w

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