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Lipilu's feed

Lipilu created a topic of HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER

I honestly don't understand why ppl are upset he's selling the potions and scrolls for cheap.
1) he practically has an infinite supply. It's not rare and he's still making profit. Don't get mad at charity. His potions are literally saving lives. He's magical healthcare. Who wants healthcare to be expensive?!
2) they're technically not his. The world tree granted him those things cus it wanted him to help out humanity and not to have a bloody monopoly. Take a look at rl diamonds; they're not even rare but the top brass only sell a limited amount to jack up prices and even villainized man made diamonds which btw are more valuable to the science and tech communities. You want MC to be like them?

In conclusion, I hate it when ppl see generous and kind ppl as pushovers. It takes a lot of strength and compassion not to drive up prices for self interest. At the very least, everyone complaining about it could never.