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kayden created a topic of Lucky Paradise

okay hear me out, I want to see ho in getting topped!

kayden created a topic of Shota Oni

the comments fighting over a manga, thank goodness I have a job lol

kayden created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

OMG am I seeing right??? is that communication??

okay pause, I didn’t really like the end. I was expecting more I guess(?? to me it was just rushed, the author wanted to introduce something new as a plot twist, but to me was just confusing, this obsessive part of him never really showed up, not to mention that all that monologue during sex time was a huge turn off lol, they could’ve talked later , very disappointing ending it was always silly (and I loved it) but I expected a better outcome

kayden created a topic of Can't Think Straight

omg not him getting addicted to the bussy, my boy was THIRSTY for that ass

kayden created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

life’s not always perfect and people are messed up, sorry to be the one to tell that, but adults are pretty much fucked up, but this is how you overcome trauma, you can work it out to make it healthier in your life! therapy is not the answer to all the fucking matters in your life, it’s a way to learn how to make it better, to not affect you and people around you, and takamada is learning about consent and he really changed for good, Im LOVING to see how the author is dealing with it, his past is not erased because he still feel the trauma, and I know yu and him can make things work, together.

bdsm is not supposed to be abusive at all, you need to be conscious and make it safe for everyone involved, but RIGHT NOW this is how they’re dealing with it in a both consensual way, so to me is fine, I want to see where it will lead them to. And I would be happier if their both seeks for a therapist together, would be nice!

kayden created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I dont know why people so mad about the side stories, it’s AUs! let the author play with their own characters for god’s sake, the main story is finished you can quit reading if you want to, nobody’s stopping you

kayden created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

okay hear me out, we know since the beginning that takamada is a very sexual guy (since he’s been harassing yu in many ways) but right now they’re vanilla cause they still kinda awkward(? about each other, BUT I strongly believe that their sexuality will be awaken again, when things settle down! and I can’t wait for them to explore their kinks together in a consensual way! that’s my ted talk of the day thanks for coming

kayden created a topic of Itadakimasu, Gochisou-sama

how are the 2021 and 2023 comments so different lol, people here used to talk about their likes and dislikes like everyone else, now we have a whole dissertation of aspects of morality, it’s just manga dudes chill out

kayden created a topic of Kyoushitsu no Yugami
kayden created a topic of Tada Massugu ni Kimi o Omou

I didn’t like it, could easily have been poly, but ended up like that, frustrating!

kayden created a topic of Who is a sweet cheater?

it is a story for us hoes, step out if you’re not a whore

everyone crying in the comments, I’ll just… I-I’m retreating slowly bye

kayden created a topic of Monday'saviour

it was obviously to where the story was heading, its getting good now things will get intense, im glad the author took a more psychological approach in this story, but i hope they can develop the characters in a interesting way, waiting for the drama!

kayden created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

honestly, to me onyx is really immature, like come on, can’t you sit and have a fucking conversation with your friend/broyfriend that you have known for years just cause you’re hurt? babyboy everyone is hurt there, keane just find out the his best friend had feelings for him and he admitted to have too, he saw you suffering all along with your father and stayed there for you, but when things get tough you ran way like a kid.

at this point a hope the author put another male interest in Keane, someone interested in him who doesn’t back off, cause if this whole season gonna be about him running after onyx gonna be boring asf, all this problem could be solved with ONE adult conversation

kayden created a topic of MADK

absolutely amazing, a gorgeous art style, I loved how the author portrayed all types of emotions, truly perfection in storytelling, it has LOTS of gore and all types of violence you can imagine would happen in hell. This is one of those stories that you may need to read twice or more to be able to understand a lot of things, but in my point of view everything made sense, if seems confusing think about all the psychology behind the character and how they were built through the whole story. Really amusing Im gonna probably think about this work for a while

kayden created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

okay mr author, hear me out, I want a Minhyunk solo story, just make my guy find mutual love, take this great opportunity you have! he’s such a complex character, the most well built here, don’t let him aside

kayden created a topic of Waterside Night

HELLO?? this chapter omg what’s this

kayden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

get him skylar!! whoop his ass!!