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kayden created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I feel like the white haired guy must be the most dangerous one between them, but he’s just calm, let’s see how’s it going to develop

kayden created a topic of Chigireru Kubiwa

im the first person to defend creativity, but bro for fuck sake some things should just stay unwritten honestly

kayden created a topic of Koi to Seiyoku

he is half white half asian, but the author could have made him all asian if they wanted to, but it’s clearly why they made him like that, cause of Erwin and Levi, is simple as that, but of course the comments gonna make a whole analysis of the “racial issue” that doesn’t exist here lol you dont have to be so smart to figure out the story, hes not a fucking white savior, hes just someone really different from what the asian boy has seen before and he’s approaching him differently from others, is that hard to get or need a draw?

kayden created a topic of Define The Relationship
kayden created a topic of Jinx

I wanna see jk have his ass whooped so bad

kayden created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I think that’s all I can expect from a prison BL, I mean, it could be much worse than that, but still pretty toxic as expected, I don’t think the author will come with a more deep development of the story, to me it seems like they just want to make a very silly kinda dumb and weird plot, so I’ll play along with it, but I wish it could develop to something more deep into humans emotions, like self hate, revenge, rage, and everything especially since it’s a prison story would be a good opportunity.

kayden created a topic of Shota Oni

I thought it was just a lovely story about having an older crush when you are young, but is kinda ☠

kayden created a topic of 1 to 10


kayden created a topic of Haunted by Desire

I hope in this life all of them can end up happy T-T

even sluts can feel love too! just happy he could become a better person

kayden created a topic of Jinx

POTATO SAW HIM TESTING!! i hope my boy get hes back covered, and jk please lose the match pls lose everything already

everything about this one is soo good and soft, I mean my heart is so warm right now all the green flags and zero toxicity, if anyone want to recommend titles like this one I would really appreciate

kayden created a topic of Hitori H Online

“this one not going to work out” tf is wrong with this boy, I mean he has a lovely boyfriend who cares about him and he comes with this shitty behavior “oh no one stays with me for long” I GUESS WHY, you are the problem honestly hayato deserves better

the whole story is so absurd that I just think its funny, not even the author taking it so serious I just laughed

kayden created a topic of Gig of the Day

bro can’t even enter an airport with that massive weapon, im crying

kayden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

after the last chapter Im gonna kms

kayden created a topic of Roses and Champagne

its not being updated here but things just got crazy again in the story TT.TT you guys not missing much just angst

kayden created a topic of One Summer Day

omfg you guys complain about every fucking thing, I hope you never come across any chinese novel cause you will want to burn down the author house I swear, seriously im glad the author here doesn’t give a fuck about readers whining cause it’s unbearable, if the character make a bad shit talk bad about the action bro, stop coming for the author or shit, at this point if guys dont wanna read anything uncomfortable, go read the bible!!! oh wait even the author in the bible put their characters to do shit, go on their page complain too! whiny bitches

kayden created a topic of Form of Sympathy

bro I feel like, they have several issues, but I think it’s so real, like that happens in real life and I think they can figure out while they are dating, things takes time and it’s not easy to understand each other but as long they are trying and happy! I think the author did a great job the characters are very human and I like to see that! Yuri is veryyy childish and I hope he grows in the meantime, seowo really improved himself and is happy now, its a really good story with ups and downs, really worthy <3

kayden created a topic of December

this is the link I have for the novel, is been updated