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marzzz created a topic of Limited Run

i'm so glad to see seo yeon oh finally speak up for himself. These two need to act like grown ups. why are they making their lives so hard?

marzzz created a topic of 19 Days

i have the exact same sense of humor as whipped he tian. hahha

oh that bitch finally showed up. we're getting close to the end. can't wait for the chaos to ensue.

marzzz created a topic of The Real Daughter is Back

helga is one screwed up child. she's still a child. i do hope they mend their relationship but it is 100% understandable if they do not. i did want helianne to explain what she did when helga left but she'll find out eventually.

marzzz created a topic of I'm Stanning the Prince


marzzz created a topic of Shadowless Night

the way that everyone is so gentle with her and understanding of her naive way of thinking is so sweet. i'm obsessed with the two of them. they are so wholesome. the cover for this manhwa does not fit it AT ALL.

marzzz created a topic of High Pulse

why is he so sure that he'll be hated for being an omega again?

marzzz created a topic of Our Sunny Days

lol at the author apologizing for it taking 23 chapters to get there. tbh i feel it's well worth the wait.

marzzz created a topic of The Origin of Species
marzzz created a topic of Eternal Covenant

i hope these two get some time together before brian dies but it feels ominous.

i guess she really was oblivious to his feelings this whole time. i thought she was just ignoring them lol

marzzz created a topic of Off-Track Crush

at one point his prostate was in the wrong spot lol

marzzz created a topic of Night Song

i'm sorry but this gets better and better with every chapter and i'm starting to have real expectations for this author. i really can't wait to see where this goes. i just hope it doesn't end in tragedy.

marzzz created a topic of Sunshine Shower

am i supposed to believe that it has never once occurred to yeonjae that he could be in love? not once?

marzzz created a topic of Leo

these two better get a happy ending. i'm so in love with this story. every chapter is so beautifully written.

marzzz created a topic of Semantic Error

it was amazing but until the end jaeyoung was so frustrating haha

marzzz created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I gotta say this has a lot of toxicity in it but compared to Behind the Scenes, everyone is likable which i'm into. I hope Jinwoo can get his shit together too.

honestly i find both of them so reliable and respectable. it's such a unique story with real fully grown adults as the main characters. it's so refreshing.

marzzz created a topic of Reunion

can anyone spoil when they will talk this stuff out? there's no way that whatever happened was that terrible bc when they reunited, hakyung had had no idea about the accident/memory loss. i have no idea why hakyung is so afraid of confronting yoonsung straightforwardly.