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marzzz followed a list

This list is for the picky Isekai reader! Nothing below a  9.1 rating, full color, Manhwa only, and compelling stories.


List Series based on ratings:
 10 – 9.4:
 9.3 – 9.1: this list
 9.0 and below:

11 hours

anyone have any ongoing stories from the last year or two that have a similar vibe. I"m in the mood for calculated revenge but have read most of the older webtoons.

only a psychopath would be filled with rage from the way a small child looks at them ya know? ya know?

this is super cute. two damaged people inserted into an isekai. the isekai is the side plot for me. i'm into the two of them on their healing journeys.

and then he died... i wish plotlines where main characters pretend to die to shock the audience stopped existing. as if i believe jed is dead.

marzzz created a topic of Can We Become a Family?

the glow up of the art as they've become adults is

marzzz created a topic of Lies Become You
marzzz created a topic of Love Interest Zone

is the drama or the webtoon better? trying to decide if i should hold off on watching the drama.

i need 61 for my mental health to remain stable. fucking finally!!!

off to his greatest battle yet our karhan!!

I love their dynamic of him treating her like something in between really precious and a sack of potatoes hahaha

i'm really happy the author didn't make dominic into a sacrificial 2ML and instead he's like family.

marzzz created a topic of Cooking Wizard

why do people in these stories not know what liking someone feels like? it's not like the first time i had a crush someone had to explain it to me lol

i sorta want dowon to be ML even though he's not. i would also love to tease that boy.

it's like a different manhwa now haha like she didn't abandon him and treat him like dirt for years. i'm happy for us but i still feel devastated for Pi