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marzzz created a topic of Finding Camellia

it's out of claus' character that he wouldn't let her reunite with her mother. i don't understand anyone in this story anymore.

the amount of people who have no problem with her using a child to seek revenge, then sleeping with him and then abandoning him, and then bearing his child and hiding it from him and making him believe it was another man's child without any sympathy for the fact that the only source of affection in his life was this manipulative and arguably predator of a "guardian" is beyond me. also dietrich isn't dead, and he did go back for him eventually. he just didn't make it on time. except he did, bc dietrich is not dead. it's nonsense that people are piised that he didn't fucking multitask on a BATTLEFIELD SHE SENT HIM TO but have no problem with the fact that he was a child and was only there to help her seek vengeance. ya'll have no heart.

marzzz created a topic of Leo

oh boy... the teenage angst is loud in this.

marzzz created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

she reminds me a trashta. just living in her own universe.

is that their first time sleeping together?

i hope this never ends. it's fine if the main story ends but just daily anecdotes about vivi is all i need.

i was going to cry if this was an april fools joke. i can't believe someone finally picked it up!!!!

marzzz created a topic of The Real Daughter is Back

honestly i feel so bad for helianne. like i understand helga's resentment but helianne was just a child too and she spent all the time helga was gone protecting her., why is nobody relaying that information to helga? it's frustrating.

she's frigid and cruel. i honestly wish wilhelm happiness with someone else.

adrian is so pitiful. i would also feel bad for him. also there's a part of me that wonders if the doctor is worsening his condition or the cause of it. but maybe that's wishful thinking.

marzzz created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Helios is trash. The saint is trash. They deserve each other. Be trash together.

marzzz created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

minwoo's gay and hates himself for it for sure. he's just jealous that dojun is strong enough to be hijmself while minwoo can only call that relationship "friendship".

marzzz created a topic of Jinx
marzzz created a topic of Killing Stalking
marzzz created a topic of Eternal Covenant

ya'll stop reading if you aren't invested in the MAIN CHARACTERS RELATIONSHIP. like what are you all doing? they're the main characters. ian is Brian THEY EVEN SHARE MOST OF THEIR NAME.

marzzz created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

this is such a wholesome couple.

marzzz created a topic of Solo For Two

this is taking love is war to new levels.

i don't understand why she abandoned him the second time.