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marzzz created a topic of I Am The Villain

every chapter is just lucia going on dates. is there a story at any point?

marzzz created a topic of Pure villain


I still can't get over the scene from his childhood so it would be great if this bitch could stop pretending she's some sort of quality human being and fuck off.

marzzz created a topic of Under the Green Light

ugh poor Jin. he clearly wants out of this life but is too entrenched to do it. I really hope that this story has a happy ending but it smells like tragedy up in here.

marzzz created a topic of I Am The Villain

i do NOT like the crown prince. that was not consensual. he does not respect the words that come out of her mouth and he is possessive even though he does not love her. he's the worst kind of guy.

marzzz created a topic of Sparkling Baby

oohlala the color scheme of this really adds to the tension

marzzz created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

finallyyy proud of kael for finally taking the full initiative. i'd love if she stopped behaving like a 14 yr old around him now.

i thought she already knew he was sending an altnernate to the other ladies.

marzzz created a topic of Ebony

it's wild how far they have come. yay for them!

marzzz created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

no joke but the things that fucker said are the worst thing dojun could hear right now. i really hope he talks to taeseok and sorts that out quickly.

his determination is so fucking adorable!!!

where the fuck is her dad? i am waiting on pins and needles for their reunion? does he know she's a live yet? i'm so sad for him.

marzzz created a topic of Finding Camellia

it's out of claus' character that he wouldn't let her reunite with her mother. i don't understand anyone in this story anymore.

the amount of people who have no problem with her using a child to seek revenge, then sleeping with him and then abandoning him, and then bearing his child and hiding it from him and making him believe it was another man's child without any sympathy for the fact that the only source of affection in his life was this manipulative and arguably predator of a "guardian" is beyond me. also dietrich isn't dead, and he did go back for him eventually. he just didn't make it on time. except he did, bc dietrich is not dead. it's nonsense that people are piised that he didn't fucking multitask on a BATTLEFIELD SHE SENT HIM TO but have no problem with the fact that he was a child and was only there to help her seek vengeance. ya'll have no heart.