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スージン April 8, 2020 5:13 pm

Hellooo, does anybody know the title of this ost in HxH?

    Wei Ying April 8, 2020 5:43 pm
    The ost on 4:38 スージン

    I tried but I seriously couldn't find it omg it's so mysterious

    You can try go to YouTube and type in hxh 2011 ost and browse through them

    スージン April 8, 2020 6:10 pm
    I tried but I seriously couldn't find it omg it's so mysteriousYou can try go to YouTube and type in hxh 2011 ost and browse through them Wei Ying

    I already tried searching through youtube playlists but i really cant find it. Maybe its not an ost of HxH? ╥﹏╥ I was hoping to use it as a ringtone

    Wei Ying April 8, 2020 6:44 pm
    I already tried searching through youtube playlists but i really cant find it. Maybe its not an ost of HxH? ╥﹏╥ I was hoping to use it as a ringtone スージン

    It does sounds like a ringtone!! I also search for it.. Trying to see if I can help but honestly it's not there?? Why haha

    Phantom D. Venus April 8, 2020 7:58 pm

    I have a whole list of HxH ost and I do remember that ost, but it is most likely one of the unreleased ones. HxH have a few unreleased Ost. It sounds a lot like The Stalwart's Glaring, but in a different version. But it probably wasn't released.

    Wei Ying April 8, 2020 8:13 pm
    I have a whole list of HxH ost and I do remember that ost, but it is most likely one of the unreleased ones. HxH have a few unreleased Ost. It sounds a lot like The Stalwart's Glaring, but in a different versio... Phantom D. Venus

    Yes I think so thought. I found a list, so very complete, that it actually stated what ost appeared during the episode and I found that during this episode, there's a song that is unreleased. Since I don't know if it's the correct episode (35?) so I couldnt check. Haha good luck!

    スージン April 9, 2020 5:59 am

    Yeah its episode 35. I also found I site that lists the time stamp of ost in ach episode.

    Episode 35 and the ost I'm looking for should be in the 6:06 time stamp in the original uncut episode. But its not included in the list :(

スージン April 7, 2020 1:55 pm

Im looking for a manga I read long agoooooo so my memory of it is blurry.

Its a yaoi manga about a guy (forgot if he's uke/seme), who was very popular and good-looking. In fact, all the members of his family were good looking. If im not mistaken, this manga has a side story of mc's brother. The brother was so timid and insecure because every member of his family was good-looking. And when they were young, the mc said something to him that ruined his confidence. I think he hides his face with his bangs but he was actually also very goodlooking. The brother was also gay lmao, he also has his own love interest.

スージン April 6, 2020 3:47 am

I dont want to risk losing this site just because of a manhwa

スージン March 31, 2020 8:16 am

Does anyone know where this is from?

The art looks so familiar especially the guy standing on the door and the kid

スージン March 30, 2020 11:42 am

Im quarantined with my parents which is not good for my mental health. I'm slowly going back to that deep hole and it's also opening old wounds. I want to get out and be away from them soon.

    kora May 1, 2020 10:03 pm

    i feel this :( it sounds cheesy but u really just gotta keep as much space as possible and stay positive

スージン March 26, 2020 2:06 pm

Nani the fvck??? Why is that manhwa back here again??? To whoever is uploading, please stop. Youre adding fuel to the fire.

スージン March 23, 2020 5:43 pm

Someone posted a topic here a few days ago. I was interested in the story and i wanted to read it. I was sure I followed the topic, but I cant find it in my notifs. Anyway as far as i can remember, the manga is a yaoi omegaverse. Its about an alpha-omega couple who became a pair that went to a restaurant(?) and the seme suddenly went into a rut. Then one of the workers in the restaurant shouted(?) that the seme is his fated pair.

スージン March 22, 2020 10:00 am

Hey everyone, i found something great (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

スージン March 21, 2020 7:20 pm

Any yaoi/bl recommendations in which the main characters DO NOT end up together? Like, the main story is about the "narration" of their love story in the past and it will slowly progress to the present. That way it will hurt more in the kokoro lol.

Throw in some other bl mangas too (maybe your fave) so that I will not be able to predict which manga has such tragic ending.

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