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Aphrosia created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Im only on ep 12 but why are Minas friends thirstier for a foursome than mine its always my flamboyant gays down to get lower than sea level forget the steam

Aphrosia created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

I think the 3rd V will reveal Chiharu just has to finish his grandmother's version of ttheir story, publish it in a book, and make it so best selling everyone forgets the temptation version and they all live in kumbaya OR Rin is able to able to peacefully coexist among humans and the same end result so Chi doesn't have to choose.

Aphrosia created a topic of DEAREST

Im only on ep 17 but Imma say this now the fandom and God as my witness: if that motherfucker Gunner messes with my damn ship, I'mma pull out the G, shoot up that D, and sink him and his member like the Titanic sank in the sea. Keep playin with me and his ass finna freeze over

Aphrosia created a topic of Love in Orbit

The dad I think outside of simply greed just wants the ideal reality he initially dreamed them having. But the thing of dreams is that, in certain instances, they are just that and this is one. There's no such thing as a perfect family, which I'd say was his first mistake and downfall even before the gambling and manipulation issues. Your family is what an individual discerns others as, and the step before that is accepting the perfect family is imperfect and that's perfectly okay and is what makes the beauty of it. His dad doesn't, and frankly probably never will, understand that unlike Sohan and Sihwa.

Aphrosia created a topic of Sketch

Shit author-san busted out the spectacles while trying out office durability using the testicles, and Mr. Lee and Yikyun makin me wanna have a ménage a trois and I'm not even gay or biologically male (genderfluid pansexual) Sigh.... AND HOW DARE WE GET LEFT ON A BIGGER CLIFFHANGER THAN INFINITY WARS??? Woo chile...know how to get me fired up

Aphrosia created a topic of Over Run

Omg if he doesn't fucking discharge himself I swear I'll be so pissed my own retired military grandfather will fear me in all my fury cause WTF AIDEN. You fucking love him, now stop the fucking bullshit. This "oh I'm Batman and woe it's me" shit gotta fucking end mi Dios I can't. Put away the motherfucking cape and just accept your happiness, your past, and yourself dumbass. Your wife left you feeling lonely when it wasn't your fault that Bryan died nor was it for trying to do what you thought was best for your family's future. Every partner and father has to make that decision, and that's coming from a person whose mom died and my father had to make that EXACT choice himself. I'm living proof how this played out. Cut ot the fuck out feeling you need to carry the fucking Godforsaken planet on your pinkies and just choose you for once. This isn't a relationship issue, cause you already proved you're willing to put Dio first in every case even if it's not what he thinks he should do. It's a character trait of yourself you need to deal with. Fight the goddamned demon that is your fear of fucking up again and be a proud human who makes mistakes but has the love of his life at his side. It's okay not to be okay or have everything fucking figured out, cause no one does, but losing the happiest thing that ever happened to you after your son is NOT an option, Soldier.

Aphrosia created a topic of Metropolitan Nepenthes

Yall dont quit the series before you start my boi does get happy ending so trust. But yea THAT over a mistake is insane but the man was a deranged sex addicted psychopath so idk what we expected tbh

Aphrosia created a topic of Love Me Divinely

Isth if they dont fucking tell Minha wtf is going on imma punt pinky's ass to Hades myselfcause is it so hard to be honest and help find a solution before one of those idiots gets him killed?? Dowoon not free of guilt either, but I'm more pissed at pinky for having a clue and not willingly sharing it rn.

Aphrosia created a topic of Dead man Switch

I'm ready for S2, but I'd rather wait for better translation cause I hate straining my brain to understand the mistakes. The artwas solid to follow along a little a least, but I need accurate content

Aphrosia created a topic of Fucked by My Best Friend

This was ny first mangago webcomic and I'm both sad but excited to see it seemingly wrapping up after 4 years. Amazing series

Aphrosia created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

Is Million Dollar Baby a series here??? Art is gorgeous. Also, we stan a protective but respectful boyfriend

Aphrosia created a topic of At The End Of Death

Yall confusin yourselves smh. Jin is Jun's older sister (one that died) thus why Silon was at the funeral that day. Jun's sister and dad (I believe) died in that accident (if it was actually an accident atp). Jun's mom dies a couple months ago plot wise, so Silon is basically in love with his brother-in-law probably due to mere resemblance of Jin. Hopefully it's not JUST that or this will be worse than a shitstorm

Aphrosia created a topic of Honey Bear

The, "Yes, sir " TOOK. ME. OUT. Señor PoundKing havin a lol too much fun with the Jizz Lord

Aphrosia created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

Sounds like the brother in kahoots with Sir Alpha dickhead and promised a swift return of our gay icon Helm to no avail while screwing the forest over all for himself. What a cunt. Very iconic finish to S1

The director is just eating this up. True embodiment of the fandom. He's definitely still casting him

Aphrosia created a topic of Ashita wa Docchi Da!

People fall in and out of love all the time, so before prematurely judging how about we wait for the parent's backstory? Comment sections stays riled up as shit, and if its solely over Ken's attitude, okay, but yall actin like this isn't a story that won't justify itself later on. Calm your nuts, tits, and whatever else and be patient for resolution damnit. (And yes, this deserves an adaptation and I was never a fan of Titans Bride but I'll attempt to read it at some point)

Aphrosia created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Im on like ep 50 or something of the official and geez my boy was a madman like actually. I mean i have no right to judge as I am actually insane, but....actually no no I have no rights I mean I'm glad he's reflected and admits he was crazy and is tryna work to be better so I have nothing to say. But i love this couple and clearly theyre obsessed with each other so if they fits, they sits

Aphrosia created a topic of Forced Strategy 100%

Loving this so far tehe. And I like the concept too, especially since its not typical oh I don't like you over status but the intrapersonal distress of Che Chi himself. Now if he could overcome his jealousy that'd be great (tho and it make be just me but I like someone more possessive [probably is just me cause I'm demiromantic]) and I understand not everyone favours an overbearing guy. But idk... I feel like everyone nowadays just assumes someone possessive is a inherently bad person because of hyper liberality but that's not true in every case and I think Cen may fall in that category of only pay attention to me and may enjoy that kinda thing. There ARE still people who enjoy that want of their partner A to be about them and only them at all times of day, and on the flip side partner B enjoys willingly giving that attention and its still a healthy dynamic. I hope this is that kind of story cause then its basically debunking that stereotype and also that there's only one standard way to have a healthy relationship because everyone has different needs/wants ans what may not be for one couple may be perfect for another

Well lets dissect this shall we?
1) Seohol you pretty faced dumb cunt why would you jeopardize EVERYONE for the sake of your pride?? Your precious Boss will be in danger too asshat smmfh.
2) Dahyuk love your faithfulness and protecc instinct but baby let Taeman takebout the trash before he unpacks he suitcase of baggage otherwise it's gonna get real shitty smellin up in there FAST.
3) Pinky ans Cocky please do me a favour and off yourselves so mi niños can love in kumbaya. You'd be helping a great deal, trust.
4) Side characters....keep doin yall irrelevant thang 10/10 love that for you kings.

Taeman's imagination never ceases to amaze me it's almost too impressive the scenarios he creates I'm only halfway till catching up with everyone (ep 34) but omfgoif I'm HERE for the fluff and despite obviously having an action element to the plot, it's so wholesome and perfect. Like 1000000000/10 perfect and even during the bloodier scenes its almost hard to be like "Oh damn-" cause it's pristinely balanced with fluffy One of the best webstories I've read yet and there's MORE.