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Lxstlxser February 2, 2024 12:46 am

From a psychological genre stand point, this was great,, I wont say too much because spoilers. For those who want the smut and can ignore all the other things happening in the plot (because the plot is there but can barely be seen through, well, everything sovie is going through) then go for it because the smut ain’t too bad. The art style does change half way through though so there’s that (i liked the first art style better ngl). And lastly from a reader who loves romance’s perspective, i wanna RAGE, did not like the ending because it wasn’t happy, but as i said thats the romance lover in me. I felt helpless and did not enjoy that feeling, because truly the hope sovie felt dwinded and my hope along with it. Thats all, imma roll over and cry for a bit now, thanks for coming to my miniature TEDtalk.

Lxstlxser October 21, 2023 11:40 am

Im scared to read the rest of the story. Like my anxiety is on max right now. The current chapter as of the moment is 37!! So if anyone isn’t caught up pls skip my comment!!

With the way things were going i thought this was going to be a quick resolution but now… with mc hiding away after the dad told him to… something is about to be completely twisted and its all because our boy isn’t in on the plan. One thing i do have an issue with is how mc thinks its bad that the lady is with another man when he was banging ‘her’ man not too long ago. Like its the same shit on both sides. Also, their communication game is so weak,, it physically hurts to read sometimes, i dead smacked my own face a couple times (I can’t even call it a face palm because the disagreement was bigger than that).

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