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yohan March 3, 2024 6:02 pm

I think this is it jaekyung gonna change at this point

yohan February 19, 2024 3:08 pm

I think you need to be atleast 22 to understand and like the plot. I loved this...the people saying bad writing I really don't agree...they really showed the complexity and the growth very well

    Jinneas February 19, 2024 8:13 pm

    Nah, I'm 35 and trust me, all the complexity and growth is just on the surface. This is really badly written, because the best thing Jooin could have done would have been staying single or find a 3rd ML entirely. The time skip and the end game with Yahwi is unrealistic and the thing of him flying 16 hours with no plan and finding Jooin just because 'serendipity', make absolutely no effing sense. You don't have to be 22, nor younger or older, to understand that this story just went up in trashy flames.

    Charmed February 19, 2024 9:46 pm
    Nah, I'm 35 and trust me, all the complexity and growth is just on the surface. This is really badly written, because the best thing Jooin could have done would have been staying single or find a 3rd ML entirel... Jinneas

    Perfectly said

    DeathAngel February 20, 2024 2:08 am
    Nah, I'm 35 and trust me, all the complexity and growth is just on the surface. This is really badly written, because the best thing Jooin could have done would have been staying single or find a 3rd ML entirel... Jinneas

    so true, I tried so hard to understand jooin and the decision he made. but I just cant. I still saluted on how he gave a proper goodbye to cain tho, that way cain can move on, slowly but surely.
    Jooin was made because people weren’t communicating well with him while he didn’t even know how to communicate.
    My personal opinion, communication takes time and effort. and what jooin did was ask a question and expect people to give him answers there and then, without thinking of the other persons feelings. there would be no growth in a relationship without patience.
    I would have given the person a question and gave them time to think it through. and if the answer was still not to my satisfaction then its just not meant to be. because a relationship is about 2 people trying to understand EACH other. not one sidedly.
    And jooin was going back and forth trying to hurt someone while hurting himself in the process, and that is so annoying.

    Its not well written true. there was a lot missing pieces in the story. things that dont add up. but it did give an impact somehow.

    slut February 20, 2024 6:44 am

    bro acting like this is some deep literature lol this aint dostoevsky or something get off your hogh ass hirse
    theres nothing hard to understand just an idea with shallow characters and bad execution.

    Sol Luna February 20, 2024 8:35 am
    bro acting like this is some deep literature lol this aint dostoevsky or something get off your hogh ass hirsetheres nothing hard to understand just an idea with shallow characters and bad execution. slut

    HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA best comment ever

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