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"That wasn't the real me" my ass (just kidding). It might of been extremely escalated but a part of that was you Ash. That obsessive behavior is not new lol.

Everyone is obsessed...even the villain. Talking about even if I get your corpse, I'll have you. That's werid and psychotic my guy(⊙…⊙ )

We understand her trauma but man to hear I can do all these things for you, except give my love would suck to hear. Like realistically, why would you continue with a relationship like that? All those things are nice but I don't have your heart? What's the point? This arc hurts

Omgg I can't believe I forgot who Arsene was!?! But now I'm remember.

The children tend to be more mature than adults in this story for sure.

She said he's pretty...but not as pretty as my mother. Her standards will forever be high lol

I keep telling myself to wait to finish this one and yet I keep reading every update lol. Although, I understand it's apart of the story the fickleness of her feelings has definitely been drawn out (chapter wise). Hopefully, after fighting the empire her feelings will be sorted some more.

That was....something. I do like that the mom and brother met their demise though. Also, that Young Young family was wiped out too. Both sides of the families were cruel to these two. Though they have to keep pretending, it is best scenario for them.

Finally. That's what your ass gets. Your greed caused this.

*for clarification, this was geared to the father*. His greed cause the entire downfall to his family.*

See, I was going to say lose control on me but I thought it was too much but looking at the comments I'm fine

Not him asking why the daughter of his crush choose her dad. Sir, at your big age? Get over it

SomethingAboutReading created a topic of Thirst

Though I'm sure there's conditions and reasons why Wren is tied with Tristan's unce, him being there isn't merely a coincidence. And I'm glad Ethan ain't no fool. Because he knows Wrens related somehow.

It's refreshing to see it play out this way. Like she's means business and sometimes revenge is needed

SomethingAboutReading created a topic of Lucia

Now Anna....You have broken all types of laws in your inability to handle pressure. I get it's a stressful job but you harmed Lucia once by giving her medicine you "thought" was helpful. And continue to allow that man's words get to you. You know he's bad. So stop listening to him!