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I don't know who you are but back away from my angel baby Yeomin!!!

Also his dad and mom can rot. It takes alot of courage and determination to have such a positive outlook in life when you grow up in a difficult environment. He deserves nothing but best.

She said you will apologize to my man. Iktr

SomethingAboutReading created a topic of Doctor Elise

Now the room. They want to spend time separately

Ahhhhh he finally confessed!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

But also I'm proud of him because I know he has alot of trauma.

SomethingAboutReading followed a goer

Welcome To The Introduction
                          Sweetness (ฅ ᐙ )ฅ
 I'm the very definition of a crazy bitch and I know it. If you follow me please don't 
hesitate to  start a convo with me I'll 
answer almost immediately. I also don't 
care if are our interest differ IF YOU ARE 

     Let's enjoy some good stories shall we?

*Extras: I'm hella nerdy, into almost every 
subject that goes against the status quo, 
definitely still childish on the inside but I'm 
also very spiritual too so I can cater to 
almost anyone except for those who lack
 brain cells and wisdom. AND I'M CRAZY. 
So you'll never be bored of me but i'll 
definitely get bored of ya if you don't 
match my crazy, just letting ya know lightly. Also I'm an enthusiastic account blocker if 
I find people's existence to be annoying so ya.....don't be lame. 
 I hope our vibes match~~~ cause humans quite literally suck ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_**

14 03,2024

Y'all ignore my comment. It's long as hell
I'm just listing things I know or think I know. It's messy and in no particular order:

The FL
•So our FL knows of the story (the world she's in) but not everything. Some type of amnesia happen when she got there. Deals with drowning (since she had flashback or some memory popped up)

•IRL her parents died on the way to the hospital because she was sick
•Her maternal grandmother blames Lucy for that death even though she was a LITERAL child.

•Her knight and shining armor
•He once was here for the check but homeboy low key in love.

•Red head 2nd prince knows "Lucy" isn't Lucia and he kinda is sus. Said something about using her

•Her brother (blonde hair) knows she isn't Lucia. But has heard the story about her being hysteria so something tells me he might change his attitude around her.

•The blonde chick apparently also knows the story (wrote the story perhaps) and is confused to as why Lucy is there.

• The blonde chick's bully of a brother is apparently jealous of Lucy's brother.
•The blonde chick's seems to not want something or someone to get in the way
• I'm guessing they're evil
•Potentially the 2nd prince too bc he's sus

•The 1st prince who promise to let Lucy go reattract on his promise bc duties I guess or I guess to save his sister.
•He realized she's "changed" so now he like her

As a conclusion so far, FL is not a villian but everyone around her? Is guilty for something. (Minus Noah...I hope).

SomethingAboutReading created a topic of Full volume

I really loved them as a couple but also individually

My sweet naive baby angel Yeomin. I have a feeling his heart is going to be broken a few times by that man

Yes, fight!! (not physically of course). Yell out your worries and reasons why you're mad. The more you hold it in, the more avoidance or hatred builds up.

The amount of patience we have. I think I started reading this near the end of middle school...I've been through highschool, college (delayed at that lol), and now I'm grown


Also giggling and swinging my feet right now..I can't wait for them to both realize they like each other

When men say they'll die over you...this man actually means it.

All jokes aside it's so sad they're both so tormented. I understand the pain but I just want them to both be happy with each other

I need more! That was really good. I would love to see life after graduation though!

I think this is the first time I ignore the side couple. Idk the way he acted before pissed/triggered me so bad, I can't get pass it lol. I'll probably reread their story at a later time. But their relationship definitely needs to progress (outside the bedroom).

The way he will grovel to his feet whenever he recovers his memory. I can imagine him now begging, on his knees, for her to forgive him lol. And the fact that she's pregnant and going through this. Mannn, though it's not his fault, he'll feel guilty as hell.

Oooo Eciel might have magical tides. Which makes sense.

Something that's been on the back of my mind is, the fact that everyone treats Eciel as naive and/or she acts naive to what's going on. Perhaps because I have trust issues, I feel that will be a big turning point in the future lol. I just hope the sisters can remain together and not separated or put in a predicament like their parents once were.