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Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

This was messy. I think I'll just wait for the official translation. Did anyone else find it hard to understand somehow? Felt like there was time skip or sth

Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

I need an update so bad! Chapter 18, please!!

Mistress created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I like Chan-il. He's a good friend. I hope Cirrus will see him as a good friend too and not just rely on Skylar all the time. It gets toxic and tiring always clinging to one person cause if shit goes down, you gon have no one but yourself to cry to

Mistress created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Can't wait to see them in S2

Mistress created a topic of Rivalry

Aweeen! It was so cute! I feel so sad and lonely now

Mistress created a topic of Love Is Never Enough

Before I start, please is it worth it and is there smut but more importantly, IS IT WORTH IT?

Mistress created a topic of Night Song

Rereading for the 2nd time. Sigh. I miss them so much

Mistress created a topic of Foul's Start

Damn! I'm so ready for this! BWAT is king! I know she's gonna take us on an emotional rollercoaster. Can't wait for this one

Mistress created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I mean... They are both right and both wrong. Cirrus is only afraid to lose Skylar and Skylar is still traumatized from being found out in the past.

Oh God! I hope they heal for those who know what's coming in chapter 102, gather here

Mistress created a topic of Night Song

Can't wait for my Jaeshin and Lee Nok to return so in love! OhmyGod!

Bruh! I want more but with Ouranous please

Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

I hope Taesoo knows it's his fault our chipmunk isn't having enough rest!!! Ugh!

Mistress created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Okay!! This is it guys!! Chapter 101 is not gonna be pretty

Mistress created a topic of Jinx

I knew he was no green flag when he came to the scene. I'm not surprised at this, but I'm really looking forward to their story

Mistress created a topic of Unholy Night

I need more of this. I want a jealous arc- anything to make this longer. C'mon