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Mistress created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Had me on the edge of my fucking seats! OhmyGod

Mistress created a topic of Trap Trap

God! Loved the manager and that Blondie. They're perfect

Mistress created a topic of Sandu
Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

God! This is so cute! God! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What have I gotten my hands on??? Premium goods! With each chapter, I crave more!

Mistress created a topic of For You Who Grieves

Before I start, does it have a happy ending?

Mistress created a topic of Projection

Is that our Seme? Damn, he so small but tf! I'm gonna eat this up

Mistress created a topic of Codename Anastasia

From the comments, I see there's no feelings yet, just rape. Imma wait some more then

Mistress created a topic of Unfinished Business

I dunno why... But I'm really looking forward to how this end. For the first time, I'm praying it's a love triangle

Mistress created a topic of Dark Fall

Still no plot, still no ML. Just rape. Sigh!

Mistress created a topic of Ideal Type but Kkondae

What ... Is this book? I'm cringing

Mistress created a topic of Projection

I am so excited for this one! It ticks the box
Age gap
Possible puppy seme

Mistress created a topic of DEAREST

Nah, his ex is hot but I know trouble when I see one. He's no good for Theo. He needs to stay TF away! Off and on relationship for how long again?? Toxic motherfucker

Mistress created a topic of Unfinished Business

I dunno how I feel about this one... Very unnecessary. He didn't even try to find out why Jichen couldn't find him. What if something terrible happened to him on the way? Goodness!

Mistress created a topic of 16647

Bruh, I need more of this. Someone give me more. Please update! Update! Update! Recommend me some books like this please please please

Mistress created a topic of Night Song
Mistress created a topic of Wet Sand

Someone please let me know who endgame is. Thanks

Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

I'm hungry for more chapters!

Mistress add manga to list Overpowered MC

Humanity's strongest regression action fantasy."Even if the disgusting gods did it, they s...

  • Author: Blue-Deep
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure
Mistress add manga to list Overpowered MC

An Earth in the 21st century that has fused with another world. An era of “dungeons” tee...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy