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DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Nothing but a number

i swearrrrr those comments are INSUFFERABLE yall its a COMEDY it’s LIGHTHEARTED!!!!
i feel none of you can read properly either ??? everything is properly explained in the webtoon but yall keep on whining about points that are clear as day.

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Trap Caught by Chance

is that light yagami

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Kick Your Heart

these comments are so rancid, complaining over every little thing, yall are so bitter it’s insane ; please don’t forget you’re reading something FOR FREE and ILLEGALLY on this website before complaining about idk the artstyle or whatever (as if you didnt see it on the cover already)

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of The Duke's Debt

double cheeked up on a thursday afternoon

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Brotherly XX


DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Unfinished Business

my heart is broken, im sobbing although i already knew what happened lol

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Overclock

overclock more like overcock
(i havent started reading yet)

i love that series but after rereading it i truly noticed how the author’s slight lack in storytelling (in a sense that we’re on ch 55 and the quest barely found advancement, because chapters are “too detailed “ ?) is taking a toll on their art, since they are in a constant rush ; they havent stopped from ch 1 to ch 69, (and have been taking a break since february) and i find it a little saddening worrying (for their health)

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Ghost Window

you’re gonna crush the poor guy!! /j

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

im sorry i dont think i can go anymore, it feels like i’m reading sh*ta stuff , idm size differences at all but normie REALLY looked like a prepubescent boy in that chapter, i feel dirty for reading

DEANFLUENZA like the experience about your opinions
I’ve been reading stuff on mangago since 2016, and ive seen the website evolve in many different ways. Ive never complained about the userbase, everyone has different tastes ! But since 2023/2024, many users have been complaining a LOT. Like, all the time. About anything. And it’s getting really frustrating, these people are criticizing somethi......
DEANFLUENZA shared experience about your opinions
I’ve been reading stuff on mangago since 2016, and ive seen the website evolve in many different ways. Ive never complained about the userbase, everyone has different tastes ! But since 2023/2024, many users have been complaining a LOT. Like, all the time. About anything. And it’s getting really frustrating, these people are criticizing somethi......
DEANFLUENZA created a topic of unprecedented

this is very confusing like… its hot… but so embarrassing too… and so funny as well ??

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of unprecedented


DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

im so eager to read the rest

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Hate My MIA!

this is so good and on so many levels

DEANFLUENZA created a topic of Beautiful You

im feeling frustrated, the plot was really good and the story followed so well, but the ending was incredibly rushed and left us with more questions than anything. I think it was that author’s first webcomic and their editors might’ve told them to wrap it up too early, but it feels like a wasted story :(

i need someone to look at me like that