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friedwontons created a topic of CUFFED!

Looks like Kim Young-soo just got.... CUFFED! ba dum tss

friedwontons created a topic of CUFFED!

if the MLs keep acting like this, the homophobic cop is going to be the best one out of all the single guys

friedwontons created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

cirrus and his sweater paws omgggg

also I hate to say this but skylar kinda looks like marshall law from let's play lol

friedwontons created a topic of Devil on Top

wast jaque out on a shopping trip or something? I hope sir teri doesnt think hes taking too long. perhaps jaque went out early in the morning and its about noontime now?

friedwontons asked a question

a couple that is not dating but literally acts like a couple, lots of skinship and exclusivity ty

friedwontons created a topic of Perfect Buddy

call youngchan the king of angst

friedwontons created a topic of CUFFED!

dammit... I thought the hyung was going to confess. now would have been a good time tbh. he's still rly good looking tho

friedwontons asked a question

to the person who said they liked business drama and politics but didnt care for romance, there are some kdramas you could check out. stuff like making deals and stealing workers from the opposing company, and other stuff too. I'll list some:

friedwontons asked a question

brooo I just found out mignon existed. its korean yaoi aeni, I believe it isnt based on a webtoon. I was surprised with the quality for an orginal, from the animation movement to the bg and voice acting. the only other bl anime I saw was that one japanese idol one and the sex scenes are just blue ripples iirc

friedwontons created a topic of Castehate

ngl I would have felt bad for the rabbit if he ended up being the loser in the love triangle, even tho I wish the snake and wolf ended up together :( it's nice but *awkward* to see the snake and rabbit get along, esp w how the rabbit has a soft spot for the snake's kids. I hope there is an alternate ending released

friedwontons asked a question

really intense attraction and I appreciate cute and funny stuff

usually I like shounen ai plots more even tho I rly like spicy moments in yaoi THANK YOUUU!!

friedwontons created a topic of CUFFED!

god dammit... is this going to be love story where the MC cant decide between the two guys? I cant choose either tho tbh it sucks bc you choose one and you lose a friend

friedwontons created a topic of Devil on Top

I think the job requirements for the artist included a background in both plant and human anatomy

friedwontons created a topic of Skip to Loafer

when my immigrant parents give their nieces and nephews back in their home country my "old" toys that "I don't play with anymore" oh wait this is getting too personal

friedwontons created a topic of Pink to Habanero

I think kurose was quite pleasant in this chapter, I hope to see him be a outwardly nicer guy since he is her bf now. I'm ok w the occasionally teasing tho bc he probs just enjoys mugi's reactions a lot, and I also like his shyness/embarassed moments when he's being soft for her. also, I think mugi doesn't have enough solid evidence to feel like making a move about arashi yet

friedwontons asked a question

bl manga about animal people. the top has two love interests, I can't remember what animal the top is but the to bottoms are a snake (childhood friend) and an "ugly" creature who pretends to be a rabbit to attract tops

friedwontons asked a question

my new years resolution should be to start the stuff in my plan to read/watch list instead of just adding more titles to them just because the art looks nice ...the number of titles in my lists are in the hundreds

friedwontons asked a question

please rec one romantic comedy, straight or not idc, thanks in advanced

my rec is Chorokute Kawaii Kimi ga Suki (b x g)

it's like a better Kiss Him not Me imho, short and satisfying to the end, good for when you need to take a break from crazy BL