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OogaBooga created a topic of Gakuen Babysitters

Nezu and Yagi on chapter 137 kinda looked younger than before?

OogaBooga created a topic of Afterglow
OogaBooga created a topic of See You, My King




OogaBooga like topic of Paljae

Crying when the conversation with the partner gets too heavy, very Luo Binghe technique

OogaBooga created a topic of Paljae

Crying when the conversation with the partner gets too heavy, very Luo Binghe technique


I love Daehyok so much, he's so in love

OogaBooga created a topic of Into the Blue

Might help clear up things for you guys too, I kinda get the flow but confused with the random flashbacks!

- Heeju and The Young Lord used to family (we're still not sure why the other one was adopted)

- Heeju was kidnapped as a child and is now a victim of human trafficking where he met Bi

- Heeju lost some memoriess of his early life probably due to trauma (he had met Seok when he was young)

- Seok's family has history with The Young Lord's Family = Doctor × Patient relationship

- The Young Lord's family runs some shady things in the dark, probably the main conflict/problem of the story (The drug/herb that killed Seok's mother) They might also have used Seok's father which led to his death.


This is where I kinda get confused, correct me if I'm wrong. (i was reading this work at 3am lol)

- The Young Lord's father is the one who has beaten up Heeju, threw him off to die. He's also the one Bi has engaged with at the latest chapter, with Bi promising to end Seok due the young lord's family and seok's family's history.

Boy I boy I boy I know~

OogaBooga created a topic of Slammer Dogs

My ship is sailing and I hope it reaches the docks(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

OogaBooga created a topic of When The Weekend Comes

A nice candlelit stay at home dinner
And then the pipping hot seggs as they take their fancy suits off one by one.

I'm just sayin, if u gon roleplay with suits better make the best out of it(⌒▽⌒)

Was that the author's eye?? Lolololl I can't take this manhwa seriously even if the events are serious enough. The author's doing a great job ay making things entertaining

OogaBooga created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

Thank you and you've translated it well! Keep up the good work translator-san! We're rooting for you!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

OogaBooga created a topic of Solo For Two

Yeah another update another misunderstanding

OogaBooga created a topic of Maria no Danzai

The father is kinda bussin tho ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

OogaBooga created a topic of Kami no Fune de Nemuru

These are 2 mentally unstable gays who love each other.

OogaBooga created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

The way he tried on the ring, i found that extremely cute and sweet
I hope Jiyoon falls in love with Ajhussi so hard

Who is this again, gosh the story line went so long I forgot the who side character is who SOBB

That blue derp creature that followed them is my spirit animal.

Dumb. Doesn't know what they're doing. Exists. Derp. Dumb.

OogaBooga created a topic of Double Bell

Bruh another Luo Binghe variant
Master x Student
Curly haired boy, unmatched beauty, goes batsht berserk, massive dicc
There's even a MobeiJun LMAO

Also the 3rd story had me rolling, big man but small ass fish form

Who is this again, gosh the story line went so long I forgot the who side character is who SOBB