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Read it in one go. At first it was funny and refreshing to read even if it was kinda dark, hell he was a prostitute but around the time his ex classmate came in to the picture there was just so much SA it was kinda disgusting to read. I just powered thru the whole series hoping for someone to save the MC.

Spoiler*** Yona did a 180, I know they live in a dark asf neighborhood but his dad looked like he was some secret spy instead of a gangster like he described. His mom looks like she came from bikini bottom but his dad is super hot @.@

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

That was so cute I want to punch a wall T.T

The FML ex looks like he doesn't even care, while ML ex is giving signals and is kinda chasing him @.@ seems like ML got traumatized by the break up too...

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Only for Love

Everytime I read this I'm amazed by the god level art

Wtf why didn't they show the scene where he said he would kill her baby? I think that was the decisive factor that made her leave him rather than katarina being pregnant.

Got this snippet from the comment below

What if I have your majesty's child?"
"It's not going to happen."
"You don't know that. It can be possible."
"If that really happens, I will rip the seed that I sowed with my own hands

I liked season 4, but season 6... poor kid :(

I rarely rate 5 stars XD this webtoon deserves it and it's wholesome @.@ I love this!

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Savage Castle

Reminds me of a different webtoon where the ML was a spy turned leader after a revolt and the woman was the daughter of the ex-leader...

Why are they using the same lackey anyway @.@ she could have hired someone else @.@

Can't help but ship them though there was some tension in that scene haha

When the snake did the A pose and the bird was all slack with one wing on its tiny stick knee ; u ; "shit?" "No sir" pfft
I appreciate the typesetting so much too

I just love how eunhyuk healed. His insecurities and his love for piano and how su ae encouraged him... that was a great chapter.

I cant get how kids in other countries or is this specific to korea, study until midnight while their parents just leave them alone... they are just highschoolers... meanwhile other highschoolers still ride a school bus.

Damn the chapters got deleted T.T

Holy shit the ML was a green flag then this happens...

Reminds me of the couple dynamic in waterside night where MC is prickly and distrustful but the ML kept pushing. It's kinda sad how their relationship problems stemmed from her insecurities, the ML tried hard and it wasn't his choice to cheat...

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Foam of the Sea

It's insane when all her suffering started from mental illness and it was preposterous at that time for anyone to be sick aside from physical injury :((

Damn... I remember this other webtoon where its a dad problem again and all of a sudden that author got rid of the drunk ass father by letting him die due to a car accident.

Cirrus is being a little shit @.@ I hate his childish moments tbh... well they both are kinda childish in this chapter

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Profundis

It's chapter 70 and I'm still in a state of confusion after reading this @.@