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I was so tired today but I feel a bit refreshed now after reading the fluffy green flag cutie patooties T.T

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I guess this is a one guy falls first the other falls harder trope? But it really would be nice if the MC could be nice to the ML, he's tsundere but it can be a bit much

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Nerd Project

If I was in the crowd I would be the dude who would egg luke on like "HIT HIIIIMMM" or go angry mob and kick that worm while he's down hahaha

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

Damn I think he uses the dead guy's camera to take pics of the uke...

Holy shit this reminds me of something I read a while ago where the wife was complaining in social media that the husband isn't sweet enough to her and wanted to divorce him but the husband was doing everything from working to housework to raising their kid... insane.

Damn I'm just curious about his curse... he's probably trying to break it but why is he taking victims once every 5 years while this time he took 2 consecutive victims...

I just love how its all chaos but he was just thinking that he was gonna get fired XD

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Rain Advisory

I mean tako in the small form is cute but nope I would still kill the thing.

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Waterside Night

I'm just happy we're having fluffy chapters now and I loved how he believed in taeju in the end even if he was thinking all those bad thoughts T.T

Its just weird that people think he's a girl like doesnt he have an Id or what about his professors or school admin... but oh well manhwa logic

I was anxious for him to pull... damn gacha game addiction

Edgar is turning a little gay for cameron I guess

smol hearteu onli created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

What if the uke actually KNOWS white hair was fucking him in his sleep pretending to be his dead lover but continues to act like he doesn't know because white hair is the only thing keeping him sane like "he can't lose him too" or smth...

The art is pretty but it feels like nothing happened this chapter

Reminded me of low tide in twilight where the MC wanted to unalive by drowning in the sea.