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Boohoo!!! I don't want it to end just yetbtw, the blushing Choi MuJin looked really gorgeous

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
Bunny_Junnie created a topic of I'm Sick

This ep made me cry fr

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Sorry, but I can't stop myself from laughing... Why does ppl have to be so meddlesome?? Please let them be lovey dovey!!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Night Fragments

My gosh! What's happening?! I can't wait anymore!! I wanna know what happened between them ASAP!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Heart Racer

Why do I find Mr. Shen so cute

Yesss!! Mr. Shen's boyfriend IS very handsome

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Wasn't he 8 back then?! How is he still alive by now? Let us break the wall and kill that jerk!!!

I'm relieved now he at least have someone who'd at least lend him an ear...

Tho it's more than 400 chapters, I wanna read more I'm happy they're all fine and found their happiness.... Still, I can't say goodbye to all of my cuties yet

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I'm relieved cz I bet their happy days are right ahead! I mean, we can see their happy moments together