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Bunny_Junnie like topic of Ni Jiu

How can a child be alpha as soon as he born?!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Ni Jiu

How can a child be alpha as soon as he born?!

Wtf was that? How the fuck it's the ending??

Yes, my dear cupid! Please help them get back together as well as smack some brains into those empty heads!!

Wdym by the end?? They've finally made up!! We need to see the peaceful date!!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Semantic Error

Wdym by the end?? They've finally made up!! We need to see the peaceful date!!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Semantic Error

Who is Tom and Jerry? It's Sungwoo and Jaeyun

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Sissy

No! You must not give up! You must muddle between them!! Don't hand him over again!!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Semantic Error

Awwwww, my heart is aching seeing Sangwoo crying and the way he was kissing the photo

Jealousy is a disease but go my boy!! Don't let other guy steal your boyfriend!! Ahem! I mean friend!!

Bunny_Junnie created a topic of Can't Think Straight

WOW, the punch was so strong