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Dux created a topic of The best luck of my life

I actually prefer them doing cute little things (hugging, head pats...ect) more than sex

It's cute don't you agree??

Dux created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

BRO. Just let these poor kids be happy for once I'm literally dying rn

Dux created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
Dux created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Dude's scared of being stalked but ppl would probably think HE'S the actual stalker
Like, bro dressed all black when going outside, the mask too

Dux created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

Wasn't this supposed to be a soft warmhearted school/country life about silly teenagers being in love.

Why are they suffering. (both physically and mentally too what thefuck)

Dux created a topic of Ang Ang

I know this is late as hell but my gaydar was tingling when i saw the blond dom and the black-haired dom


Dux created a topic of Interview with a Murderer

Guilty but I wish Alex didn't have to go through all that in his childhood so they could meet in normal circumstances☹

Dux created a topic of Homeless/No Home

I feel so bad for haejoon but also understand eunyung a bit because he hasn't experienced the true feelings of having someone that deeply care for him so it's a given that he will be envious of others.

He'll have thoughts like "Why can't it be me?" For sure but given his personality traits? Bro's definitely gonna go like "who tha hell need those blah blah"

I really hope this webtoon continue at least until eunyung's thought process gets better, I refuse to let it end with eunyung still being like this, let the boy be happier PLEASE.

Dux created a topic of Taming the Tiger

This was so disgustingly sweet and tragic i love it so goddamn much. They're so sweet with each other

Also shoutout to that one servant guy for always being a real one (he even appeared in the background after regeneration)

Dux created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

I love this and that love grows more when I see Murderous Lewellyn's candlelit dinner illustrator draw art for these two.

Dux created a topic of Dead man Switch

Why r gays always unhappy it's getting cliche ☹

Dux created a topic of Homeless/No Home

I hope neither of them is actually a bad person

Haejoon deserves having good adults with him :((

Dux created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Imagine aiming for revenge and suddenly having sexuality crisis instead bro

Dux created a topic of Love Interest Zone

I personally wish they could all just kiss tbh

Seeing anybody gets left out make me sad

I hope the white hair will at least end up with sb, the glasses guy is cool too. I wouldn't mind.

Dux created a topic of Liveta
Dux created a topic of Homeless/No Home

I'm sorry but how does one just wake up to sth like that and smile like it was nothing

I know she doesn't do any harm but still

Dux created a topic of Liveta
Dux created a topic of Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu

I literally just went "wouldn't it be funny if it's tshd haha" when i see new updates notification

Then bam.