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EatingDirt answered question about read a good light novel
ive been reading some detroit become human reed900 stuff on ao3, i just love slow burn what can i say reading about sassy chaotic losers getting it on is my favorite pastime
EatingDirt answered question about question
Nah don't do it, they'll send you to grippy sock jail. And pills suck, not only it's not always successful but it makes you sick after the attempt (nausea and stuff, side effects depend on the pills). Here's my idea : eat 50 000 bananas. They have a shit ton of potassium, and that shit is radioactive. If you eat enough (at once, or else you'll ju......
EatingDirt answered question about question
Ya'll actually remember other people's names? and recognize them? My brain's not developped enough for this
EatingDirt answered question about applying edging to your life
when i was a kid i had a friend who's parents owned a farm and there was a river on the edge of the property. it was winter and we were playing on the ice when it cracked and i fell in the water. my head didn't go under but the water was so cold that it froze my legs (hard to swim) and my winter clothes were getting heavy because they got wet. my ......